Women with underarm hair.

I have fairly dark hair. If I’m going sleeveless, I’ll shave my underarms - usually. Rare are the times when I shave my legs, even if they look woolly. I can’t stand without hanging onto something, and even then only for a few minutes at a time. To shave my legs, I gotta sit on my bath seat and awkwardly prop one leg at a time up on the slippery tub. This is besides the fact that I am hideously myopic. Unless I literally wear my glasses in the shower whilst shaving the legs, I will end up with a zebra pattern. Not worth the agita, I say.

I shave both legs and underarms. I think it feels gross when you have stubble or hair on your legs. As for my armpits, I only shave those when I wear a shirt where you can see them, otherwise I shave them once a week.

Unfortunately for me, even though I am blonde, my leg hair grows back black, so I have to shave it often. I’m trying that Jergen’s Naturally Smooth lotion, does anyone know if that stuff really works?

Not at all, mein herr :wink:

I shave my legs and pits…but not every day. I have sensitive skin, and if I try to shave my pits every other day, I get a nasty-stingy-red-bumps-razor-burn thing happening. I have to wait at least 2 days before I shave. I have very dark, and somewhat copious, body hair. I was annoyed in college because a guy I was dating had a very small patch of light-colored fluff under his arms, whereas if I let my pithair grow, it gets quite shaggy and abundant. Personally, I don’t like having this much body hair, probably because I can’t shave every day. I used to let my leg hair grow out in the winter time, but I found that my socks pulled on the hair and it hurt. My leg hair grew in straight, maybe sock-pulling doesn’t bother guys 'cause their leg hair is curly?

My pet peeve is underarm hair.

I shave my armpits about twice a week, i just feel so much cleaner that way. But what makes ME special is that I hate underarm hair on men, too. I think everyone should just shave.

Legs, on the other hand… Since I don’t wear shorts, I shave maybe once, twice a year. For special occasions only.

Damn! I was going to say that! I think men should shave too. Although logically I know it’s natural, I have a slight aversion to hairy armpits on males in tank tops. Maybe tank tops should just be banned from public places.

Come to think of it, you don’t often see hairy armpits on actors in movies. Now why is that? :smiley:

I don’t like it. I know it’s a cultural thing, but it’s there anyway.

It’s not. I do it myself. You should avoid spray deodorant for a few minutes afterwards, though.

It may seem odd and freaky (and maybe I am) but I never grew any underarm hair - which, I think, is a pretty cool thing nature did for me :smiley:

Girls that don’t shave are just gross. Nothing is a bigger turnoff than an underarm bush.

I shave almost every day. Underarms, bikini, and legs. For me, it’s just a part of taking a shower. I remember when I first started shaving I asked my mom how often I should shave and she said, “Well, I shave everytime I take a shower.” So I’ve done this for a very long time.

Sometimes I don’t shower on Sundays, and I feel very unkempt by the end of the day.

I enjoy the feeling of silky smooth skin with no stubble. Maybe I’m just a girlie girl.

I honestly don’t think there’s any problem with women who have leg and underarm hair, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) I’ve been conditioned to view it as unattractive. I know there’s nothing wrong with hair, but I get this twinge of disgust when I think about it.

I do think body hair is rahter unsightly. I would prefer that I be devoid of hair from the neck down, but I am way too chicken to try to scrape it all off with some sharp piece of metal. I mutilate my face badly enough as it is just trying to keep my face smooth!

Since I rarely see this in the states my exposure has come from trips to Mexico and the Carribean. The European women with underarm hair grossed out my friends, but I think it looks fine and actually a bit sexy. Maybe because it seems exotic.

I do have an aversion to heavy leg hair however.

I tried it for a couple-three weeks, and gave up. No noticeable difference for me, but I might not have given it long enough.

I shave pretty much every day. I just let my underarm hair grow for a few days so I could wax it, and it felt narsty to me. I just don’t like underarm hair in general, and have tried unsuccessfully to get my boyfriend to shave his.


::checks dates::

Yep, another Lazarus thread.

I already posted my contribution to it back in '01.

I’m just glad I don’t live in a society where it’s helpful to pluck or wax all my hair so tiny beasties won’t have a home!