At the beginning of every show he says several utterances of “Get it on” and “Mandate” and then at the end he signs off by saying “Mullhalla”. So what do these mean and/or where are they from?
“Mulhalla” is actually “mahalo.” It is Hawaiian for thank you.
The “get it on” is a reference to a joke he did on his radio show about how in the 70s they were alot of songs commanding people to “Get it on”. One of the songs from Taboo 2 had lyrics that were “Gotta get it on, gotta get it on, gotta get it on” over and over.
He seems to like his shows to have a definite starting and ending catchphrase. He has been saying maholo since Loveline. He started every Loveline with the bit about Drew being a bored, certified physician. He started the “Get it on …” joke pretty soon into his solo radio show and has been doing it ever since.