Do guests have certain words clipped from their posts automatically? I went to preview a post a little while ago and the words h@te " (in the context of ‘I’d h@te to see’) and “girl” (in the world ‘girlfriend’) were removed. Anyone know what gives?
Never had this or heard of this happening elsewhere…
It’s really weird. I think it may even be this computer. My folks put some kind of spy/anti-porn software on it.
I’ve never heard of that either, but sometimes the reply boxes will do wierd stuff. for example sometimes I might try to type the wrod “great” but after I type the “g” the next letters will come out in front causeing me to type “reatg.” Wierd.
Nope, never ____ anything like ____ happen before. Seems kinda _______ up to me.
Spelling anything with “@” in place of a real letter flags your message for shredding by the hamsters.
I think he did that in this post to avoid the shredders that his last post went through, but I could be wrong.
Yeah, I used the @ so it wouldn’t disappear. Let’s test this out again. % " % s" d r
This is weird stuff.