Worf v Chewbacca, who wins

Worf fought those Jem’Hadar unarmed. That’s one of the things that made it such a great example of his abilities.

Uhhh… dude,
did you just compare yelling “fire” in a crowded theater (an action that could result in the death by trampling of innocent bystanders) to a silly discussion on a message board?

Are silly web posts really equivalent to manslaughter?
I mean, get some perspective already!

Yes the question is dumb, irrelevant, and unanswerable. But so what? It is just harmless fun. If you don’t enjoy this sort of thing, why waste your time reading it?

Oh, and Worf may be a badass, but Chewie is a frickin’ wookie for god sake! Of course Chewbacca will win in a hand-to-hand combat.