Someone mentioned that a Sovereign can fight while at FTL speeds, so that’s an advantage. However, Imperial Interdictors can pull ships out of hyperspace, so the question is does the interdiction field also work on warp drives? I tend to think it does, because the interdiction field is described as a massive artificial gravity well, and Trek ships have to break orbit from a planet and move out on impulse before they can warp. With that advantage out of the way, the Star Destroyers can let loose with their massive turbolaser batteries and many, many squadrons of TIEs armed with missiles, torpedos, and heavy space bombs. Hell, give me an Assault Gunboat and I’ll take down a Sovereign by myself
If the Borg Cube is stupid enough to hang out in the superlaser’s field of fire, it’s space dust. The Death Star probably can’t track that thing around so well though, so the Borg could run circles around it and attack the other parts of the Death Star. Their best bet would be to board the Death Star and start assimilating, or try to get to the reactor core and blow that up. The Borg would quickly adapt to the Stormtroopers’ weapons, but Vader would cut the lot of 'em down, if he was around. Transporting shouldn’t be a problem for the Borg, since the Death Star apparently doesn’t have its own shields (remember Endor).
First off, Rebel fighters are neither sublight nor unshielded. Any old runabout, the X-Wing has it easy. But the Defiant? Come on, it’s comprable to the Falcon, except it was specifically made for kicking ass and not pretending to be a space barge. A B-Wing would probably lose against the Defiant (unless I was flying it).
Hmm, that’s a tough one. Wookies aren’t naturally warlike, but they’re certainly larger and probably stronger too. I’d bet on the Wookie, but they might very well kill each other.
Yeah right. Data might not be made specifically for combat, but he can kick Borg ass. Nuff said. Throw an assassin droid at Data, well, I’d still count on Data to find and exploit some weakness before the droid can say “meatbag”.
Last time I checked, no Force Master could move planets out of their orbits on a whim, allow someone to actually travel back in time to alter their own past, or toss ships across the entire breadth of the galaxy as if he was tossing a ball across home plate. So that’d be, uh, Q.