Workforce Solutions©™®@#!

My ghod. I wish I had a great big scaly infected death-filled boil on my pasty ass just so I could ask you mindless fucks to suck that tasty evil goo right out of it-- enjoy the septic tingle on yer tongues, you load of slimy bloodclots!

Fucking “Job Fair”. Yeah, it was fun to wait OUTSIDE for nearly three hours in my nice duds while my asscrack filled with sweat due to the 95°F+ temperature. Really, I didn’t MIND it at all. Just so I could re-register with you, you stupid ass-grabbing ballslap FUCKS, and take the same mindless* tests I already had taken, just to gain admittance to that holy of holys, the Employer’s booths.

The company I went there to meet? Went home early. Oh, and you can just apply online at this website they set up…

[sub]* Question 23: Do you Agree or Disagree with this statement?
“Agree and Disagree are not the same as True or False”
() True
() False

Ah, Job Fairs, I remember those days.
Of course what I remember is that those days really sucked. Sucked like a Black Hole on my hopes and dreams. Sucked like only a sucking thing could suck. Sucked like Disco!

My sympathies Darth Nader,

Was that really one of the questions? I have really been out of the job market a long time.

Good luck with your job search and the answer to question 23 is E-None of the above.

