World of Warcraft

Without meaning to hijack or anything, but is there anywhere I can find a good glossary of WOW terms and slang?

Everything you EVER wanted to know about WoW. In a Wiki!

He might mean skinning. I’ve made a good bit off of skinning animal corpses left behind (The lower levels are absolutely littered with them.)

One of my favorite places to take low-level skinners is the Grizzly Den/Wendigo Caves in Dun Morogh. On a busy night, there’ll usually be fifteen or twenty bodies lying there waiting to be skinned, and a trail of them going down into the wendigo den, if that’s survivable…

Heh. The greatest thing about being a skinner is finding those areas where wholesale animal slaughter is required, and just waiting for the carnage.

Grom’grol Jungle is a great site as well on PvE servers; being open to Alliance and Horde characters, all of whom are getting tasked to kill tigers, panthers, raptors, and basilisks, and I think I pulled in 20 Thick Leather last night. Most of it in Heavy Leather. :wink:

Ahhh…I should have realized that.

Hell yeah. I leveled up a skinning toon there super-quickly.


Winter’s Veil is coming,
there’re snowballs in the realm.
Please to put a silver in the old orc’s helm.
If you haven’t got a silver
then a copper piece will do.
If you haven’t got a copper piece,
Kil’jaeden curse you!

Check your capital cities, folks…

Absolutely. I mean, the Belfs look pretty cool, and I’ll probably roll one myself, but i am concerned that they’ll attract the morons. I just know some day I’ll hearthstone back to Ogrimarr and find that the Elves outnumber the Orcs.

I’m also not happy that the between the Blood Elves (decadent and arrogant demonic magic addicts) and the Dranei (Angels, more or less), that the Horde is being shifted back to the “evil” side. I’d rather think of the two factions as “tribal vs civilized” rather than “good vs evil”.

You’ll love the first zone of Outlands (in BC). Dead hellboars EVERYWHERE.

On a related note, the second zone of Outland is filled with plant elementals that leave herbalism-able corpses. Should be cake to level herbalism at least 20-30 levels off of those while getting Sporegar rep (so long as you don’t mind picking herbs out of a corpse). :eek:

(There’s also giants somewhere that leave mineable corpses, but I can’t quite recall where they are.)

I’m not so sure that the Blood Elf females will attract so many of the immature folks who chose Alliance females in the first place just for the looks, at least not for the long haul.

They spent a lot of time leveling their toons to 60 on the Alliance side, and creating a Horde toon means they won’t have the same support base (either through high level crafting alts, or through guilds). They will dance on the mail box in Ogrimmar for a couple weeks, and spam the chat channels, but eventually most will gravitate back to their mains.

Geez, doesn’t anyone else have anything GOOD to say about it?

Maybe it’s because I played all the other MMORPGs, so I appreciate just how good WoW is.

I just wish these games had more depth. Yes I am aware of how hard it is to make depth
available to ALL players on the server, but when everybody is a hero nobody is. I asked a
similar set of questions about a month ago here, and finally decided that, while as a tactical
exercise WoW might be (briefly) entertaining, a static gameworld with 2 1/2 dimensional
characters is really not what I’m interested in, so I didn’t sign up and I doubt I ever will.

Are you kidding me? Almost everybody posting here has been playing WoW FOREVER. That is the true test of how good a game is.
But I see your point. Broomstick OP mentions that she was a little apprehensive because all she saw was bitching. And here are a bunch of people who love the game— bitching.

The game speaks for itself, however. Just read Broom’s follow-up post.

Oh my… the game does suck one in, doesn’t it?

Couple days of play and I’ve two characters, one at level 10 and one at level 8.

Too. Much. Fun.

This is PRECISELY why I can’t play this game.

I also oppose paying for a game, then paying per month for it on ethical grounds. I know of paying for servers and the hardware and stuff, but I still can’t rationalize it.
And…I know this might be the best video game ever, but I can’t…I just…can’t…do it. A buddy of mine just got his 10 day trial. He’s trying to suck me in.

Even those of us who don’t like WoW generally admit how good it is in an objective sense - in terms of design decisions that would broaden the appeal of the game well beyond the genre.

FWIW, I agree with Amok that

and thought about a zillion little things about the way the game worked were just inferior to even EQ1… and I still completely agree that for anyone that is casual and doesn’t care about PvP, this is light-years past anything else that had come before. In other words, it’s the perfect introduction to the genre, and hopefully its success can lead to games that make me happier being made over the longer term.

When you learn the ins and outs of questing, and have a feel for where “quest clumps” are, you’ll probably start a third or fourth alt just to have a character of that class around. Before you do, give the /played command a try. It shows how long a character has been played, and is a neat way to measure how well you’re learning the game. My main has not quite hit level 60 yet (he’s very social and not very goal-oriented) and has a played time of over 20 days (!). My alt is about to crack 42, and I haven’t checked his played time, but I bet it’s considerably lower – well under half the time.

Now start that new character and try to average one level per hour played. You’ll play in shorter spurts (only when your XP bar is blue), you’ll always log off at an inn, and you’ll start thinking about efficiency in a whole new way. I’ve made it to level 18 in under 18 hours, but not to 19 before 19 had passed. It’s tough!

I live with a bloke who plays WoW. Well, I think he still lives here, I haven’t seen him for a couple of days. I guess he prefers the gnome.

It will probably not attract them “over”, but it will attract some of the new ones. Hopefully.

Mind you, my first reason to play alliance was, as already stated “dwarves with guns”, but my second is that I’ve tried Horde and I just seem to have serious problems getting any kind of response re. groups on that side… what’s a cowlass to do, eh?