World's Largest Socks


So, over in North Carolina lives the world’s largest bureau. A friend of mine I showed this to wondered, after noticing the humongous pair of argyles in that middle drawer, aren’t those certainly the world’s largest socks too?

Google-fu has failed. And the Guiness Book of World Records (online version) doesn’t list it, though it almost cetainly lists those fat twins on their tiny motorcycles. Can anyone settle this highly important matter? What, indeed, are the world’s largest socks? And where are they?

Apparently, this is not a category accepted by Guiness. From this site, someone found out that there dream of the longest (not largest) sock record was shattered. Here is the Guiness reply:

Dear Ms Natosi
Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record proposal for ‘longest socks’. I am afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a Guinness World Record. We receive over 65,000 enquiries a year from which a small proportion are approved by our experienced researchers to establish new categories. These are not ‘made up’ to suit an individual proposal, but rather ‘evolve’ as a result of international competition in a field, which naturally accommodates superlatives of the sort that we are interested in. We think you will appreciate that we are bound to favor those that reflect the greatest interest. I appreciate that this may be disappointing to you, but I hope that this does not deter you from trying again. We are always keen to hear from people who wish to set a Guinness World Record. If you should need any advice regarding breaking an existing record or setting a new Guinness World Record please contact us again through our website or directly quoting the above membership number. Once again thank you for contacting Guinness World Records. We wish you every success with any future record-breaking endeavors. Please do not reply to this email, as this inbox is not monitored. If you have any queries regarding your claim, please contact us through our website,, quoting the above membership id.
Yours sincerely,
Leanne Ooi
Records Research Services

side question: Does anyone know why I kept getting hits for gangbang records when I typed in “largest socks” and “world record”?

Big feet = ?

What is the only item of clothing often left on in those movies?

Good answer FMG, even though it doesn’t lead me much closer, it just proves that the answer is unknown. Not exactly a burgeoning field, I see, this oversized, novelty footwear field.

I didn’t get that as a result. And I haven’t the faintest. Maybe it’s slang for massive dong or something.

Worlds Biggest Socks search results

Worlds Largest Socks search results

Sorry to get off subject. Good luck on your search. It would have been much easier if you were looking for the biggest ball of twine, and I have always enjoyed reading about the largest game of twister!

I think this phrase

is the, ah, root of your problem.

Try putting “biggest socks” in quotes too.

That gives you a link to “Biggest Socks (in German Language)” but alas, “die Seite wurde nicht gefunden”.

But wait! The Google-Fu is strong in this one… searching for “” brings up this page, which has:

Roughly, "Biggest Sock in the World: A sock 35 metres long and 6 metres wide at the top, hand-knitted from about 15 million stitches was presented to the town of Oberlungwitz on May 14 1998. It was knitted by 416 women and one man.

Colophon: HA! You’re excellent. Thank you.