Fortress house. Brutal, but awesome .
What’s the deal with that big steel roll-up door? Ten seconds with a torch and that thing is history.
Oh, sure. Like that worked for Dracula.
Fortress ha! muahahahah ahaha ahah *glurp *THUD!
thammit mi thaw thell oth athan :mad:
shambles off back to Boo!
The house actually looks very nice & open when it’s in “non-secure” mode. It looks like it’d fit in to one of the post-war housing developments in World War Z. Or something a rich vampire would live in.
Can I get it in pink?
Look for a small thermal exhaust port.
I mean, the thing’s got to have a tailpipe.
That’s what I was thinking. That house might keep out trick or treaters. And maybe zombies, because they’re pretty stupid. But rioters or thieves? Or an army? They’d barely be slowed down by a few doors.
Seems like the perfect house for South Florida or the Carribbean, with the hurricanes and all…
I like the cat on the ramp, about halfway down the page.
i’d rather go for the homes that are built in former missile silos.
Here in Kansas there’s a high school in one of the silos. Pretty cool, I toured it before the school remodeling started.
They should have a pretty good tornado shelter.
I wonder how the house would fare in, say, an EF4.
Unfolded that house is rather pretty. It will stop zombies, but a determined assault will take it down. No firing ports, you see.