Well, they’re not product lines, per se, but whoever is in charge of coming up with the names for new items at Texas Steakhouse (where I work) needs to be fired. First, we had the Hog Wings. Yes, the Hog Wings. As if the name weren’t appetizing enough, they were essentially pig drumsticks dinked in barbecue sauce; envision extra-greasy ribs-on-a-stick, and you’ve got the idea. But the PTB were not satisfied with the Hog Wings. They wanted more. They reached deep into the inner recesses of their minds and examined the very fabric of their souls…and then they had it, they knew they had it, it was perfect, it was the ultimate product name…
It was…the Oreo Nachos.
Nothing quite like a mental image of chocolate cookie covered in melted Velveeta to get one’s mouth watering. Do you have it yet? Goooood. So does every single person I’m forced to suggestive-sell this to. That is, when I manage to say the name with a straight face, which is extremely seldom. By far, the most common response to “Would you like to try the new Oreo Nachos?” is “the
what?!?!”. For this, I cannot blame them. I understand.
But what are the Oreo Nachos, you may ask? Please, you beg, tell me cheese is not involved. This, at least, I can grant you, but the truth is not entirely more pleasant. The Oreo Nachos consist of a bowl contaning three puffs of Real Fake Whipped Cream Flavored Topping, a squirt of Bacardi Strawberry mixer, two ounces of Oreo crumbles, and rainbow sprinkles. This concoction is eaten with with fried tortilla triangles covered in cinnamon sugar, of which you get seven. That’s right, a grand total of seven “chips” with which to enjoy this lovely dessert.
Perhaps it’s just me, but at the end of a hearty steak dinner, I do not turn to my companion and say, “you know, I could really go for a combination of cinnamon, strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla cream, topped with an extra dose of sugar.” And when I do not do this, my companion does not reply, “yes, that sounds most excellent, and I believe an accurate name for this dish would be Oreo Nachos. Let us order a portion post-haste.”
Yum…Oreo Nachos. Don’t you wish you had some? If you’d rather opt out, I think we still have some Hog Wings in the back.