Would the world be better off without Republicans?

What good are Republicans anymore, either to America or humanity at large? When was the last time the party or ideology did anything good for its country or its people? Lincoln? WW2?

They worship at the altars of stupidity and selfishness, following barbaric, undemocratic traditions scorned by the civilized world. It’s an ideology of idiocy and oppression, blind patriarchy mixed with skin-deep ethnonationalism.

I believe the world would be a better place without Republicans, and Americans would be would safer, healthier, happier, kinder, better educated, less impoverished, freer, more represented in government. I can’t think of a single positive that the GOP brings to the USA or the planet we live on.

Are there any redeeming factors at all? As far as I can tell, modern day Republicans are just fascist terrorists. Why does anyone pretend like they’re still American, much less patriotic?

Moderator Action

This seems more like a rant against republicans than anything else, so let’s move it to the Pit (from IMHO).

Would the world be better off without Republicans?

Yes. Yes it would.

The big problem lately is that the GOP has pretty much said “fuck it” to any notion that they actually have the country’s best interests in mind- pretty much everything they’ve done over the past four years has been to either keep themselves or Trump in power, and/or enrich business interests at the expense of everything else. They used to at least pay some attention to how their actions would help the average American, but lately, it’s all FUD and the like, meant to scare voters rather than entice them.

I think there’s definitely a place for an opposition party- unfettered Democratic rule would probably be pretty disastrous, just like unfettered Republican rule would be. There needs to be a give and take/debate/etc… to come out with proper and reasonable laws. Today’s GOP isn’t that opposition party though; they’re just obstructionist and not interested in hammering out bipartisan compromise.

Part of this state of being is due to legislation intended to get rid of earmarks in the interest of reducing corruption. Turns out that earmarks were a vital mechanism for Congresspeople to wheel and deal and forge bipartisan coalitions, even if they were a bit on the shady side.

Without earmarks that allow legislators to throw each other bipartisan bones, there’s zero motivation for any lawmakers to cooperate with Democrats- it becomes a knock-down, drag-out fight to get both houses of Congress so they can enact their legislation without having to deal with the opposition party. It’s just that so far, Democrats haven’t chosen to play the sort of hardball that the GOP has chosen.

The world is made better by having a rational opposition party to prevent one party rule. A conservative party could fill this role.

The Republicans, however, do not. The world would be a better place if the Republican party imploded and was replaced by people who are currently moderate democrats.

Agree that if the US parties were Democrat (those people who 50 years ago would have probably been moderate Republicans) and Progressive, there would be a chance of the 21st century actually happening for human beings instead of being the end of the road. The present Republicans have burnt that party to the ground.

Agree k9. Republicans are so off the rails there is no way to get that train back on track. Both my wife and I are moderates. My Wife leans a little more right, where I lean a little bit more left.

WE BOTH despise Trump.

She’s really fed up with the Trump admin, though, luckily it has not affected us directly. Yet.

My Wife actually tossed out the idea of leaving the country last night. In a “if this all burns down, where do we go kind of way”. It’s not that easy to move to another country, says I. I intend to stay and fight. (Belize and Costa Rica look pretty good though we’ve both been there).

Running away though, just sucks.

I’m not an internet tough guy, or a flag waving patriot. But I will not stand for being bullied by a government that wants to just enrich their friends and stay out of prison. That is the only goal of the Trump’s and the revolving door administration.

Yes it would. All Republicans are RINOs, Republican In Name Only because there is nothing else to the party, they have no actual principles, they stand for nothing but the lust for power over others. We need to do something about them. The rest of them have been dragging those bums around for ages, the last good thing works of any Republican ended with a gunshot to the head at Ford’s Theater.

The Republican Party is by far the biggest threat to American democracy and well-being. ISIS isn’t even in the running.

This. I’m far more frightened of the GOP than anyone else out there. It doesn’t help that they’re in Putin’s pocket. How that isn’t the last straw for conservatives in this country just boggles the mind.

It is a violent, anti-democratic, white nationalist political movement.

I agree. The Republicans are now a thoroughly rotten party. But they at least serve a useful purpose as opposition. If the Democrats had no opposition they would become as bad as the Republicans.

But we would be far better off if we had two legitimate parties in opposition to each other.

Last night, I was watching the speech at the convention by the boy with a stutter who talked about how Biden gave confidence and encouragement and I said to my wife that I bet that not only does that sweet kid get death threats, but that there is a good chance Trump will launch some vicious attack against him. They’re trash people with no bottom.

Has that happened to your knowledge?

Absolutely! I used to have a measure of respect for them, even if I didn’t agree with any of their views. But now their true nature is out for everyone to see. The bigotry, hatred, and ignorance that has always been there has increased to a point where they have become a danger to this country and need to be resisted by any means necessary. They are evil, and that is not a word I use often.

That Trump has mocked disabled people for their disability? Yes, he has done that. He did it on camera at a public rally.

Has he mocked this particular disabled person? I don’t know. But it’s not a defense of Trump to say he only mocks disabled people sometimes.

Relax. I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m aware of his mocking that disabled journalist.

Hey, you’ve already got some test cases for what happens when Democrats run everything. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis…

The last Republican mayor of Chicago left office in 1931. The last Republican mayor of Baltimore left office in 1967. The last Republican mayor of Detroit left office in 1961. The last Republican mayor of St. Louis left office in 1941. These ciries have Democrats in all key positions, and three are in states with Democratic Governors and Attorneys-General.

They also at the very heart of the police brutality issue. And St. Louis, Baltimore and Chicago are the top 3 murder rate cities in America. They also have some of the worst schools, and some of them have the highest black poverty rates in the country. They are all heavily in debt and near bankruptcy, and are among the most corrupt cities in America.

These should be your dream cities if you think Democrats govern well. They are one-party cities (Democrat), and have been for decades.

I think Democrats should run on the slogan, “Democrats: Bringing the authentic Baltimore experience to the rest of America.”

Thank you for explaining why one party rule is problematic. It would be nice if the republicans could put together a party that is capable of governing in order to be a reasonable opposition party.

As well as some poorer areas, you would also notice that Democrats also run some of the wealthiest areas. That’s part of cities, you get more diversity.

Should we point to all the impoverished areas under Republican rule in order to show their incompetence?

So I wonder why the good citizens of these cities look at the Republicans in election after election and say, “No thanks”? I mean, there must be plenty of examples of crackerjack city management by Republicans in other locales to point to.