Would you date her?

So I heard a blurb on the Today show that Martha Stewart is looking for love on Match.com. She’s too old for me, but on the assumption that she is in your age your range, would you date her?
Pros: She’s incredibly rich
Cons: She’s one of those two
Pros: Many houses, private jet, good seats at the finest restaurants
Cons: Even if I hire a professional staging company, my house won’t be good enough to bring her over.

I’m gonna pass; too stressful to date the domestic goddess. What would you do?

Pass. I need to date type B personality types.

Holy shit, she’s 71??? If I was in my 70s hell yes I’d give it a try. Nice Jersey girl.

Uh, yeah. I totally would and I’m 26.

Never mind.

No. I just can’t picture her ever really laughing. Even in unscripted things, interviews and such, she is just too composed. The only time the facade shows any cracks is when she looks like she’s going to get mad.

Doesn’t live in my world, even if I was that old.

I would totally date her. I’m sure we would go a lot of interesting places and do a lot of interesting things. I am not really too interested in participating in all her cooking and crafts, but would be supportive.

I wonder if anybody has found her profile yet. It would be an interesting read.

“SWF, 71. Underlings tell me I’m easy to get along with. Equally comfortable in immaculate designer gardening gloves or a tiara…”

I’ve got a rule: No dating ex-cons.

And that’s a good thing.

My wife actually said she married me because I made her laugh, so I would consider Ms. Stewart’s practiced composure a challenge. Of course, if I couldn’t break her by the second or third date, I’d lose interest.

I actually like Marth Stewart, and I’m almost her age, but no. I’m too much of a slob, and I have low-brow tastes.

Oh… that was pure gold!

Nevertheless I would plow her field from one end to the other, missing not a single furrow.

Really? She had a channel on satellite radio for a long time and would do these “Ask Martha” shows I would listen to while commuting. She was also very witty, sarcastic, and even made jokes about sex and drinking frequently. Sure, she likes to raise chickens and shit, but she seems like a lot more relaxed than folks give her credit for.

Anyway, if we saw the same Today thing a few weeks ago, it was her joking that she had started making a Match profile, got part way through the questions, realized answering them honestly would be too ridiculous, so she stopped.

That said, I’m a single, straight, 27 year old female, so she’s not at all on my radar. If I were an older single straight dude though? Hell yeah! She’s smart, successful, and damned good looking (particularly for being over 70!). You could do a helluva lot worse.

She was a guest on Car Talk once, and she really cracked me up. I didn’t think it was scripted, she seemed to be taking live calls just like they usually do.

But no, even if I were of the right age and location and sexual orientation, it would just be too much pressure to measure up.

And at her age, even with the advantage of wealth and cosmetic surgery, chances are, there’s going to be a lot of furrows to negotiate.

Even if she were my age, she’s way, way too confident/cocky. And apparently had no problem stealing money.

I think people get the impression that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth when she was actually from a very middle class family.

Totally. And one thing to add to the ‘Ask Martha’ point-- I really suggest a listen if you ever happen upon it. I’m 100% sure she is drunk the vast majority of the time on the show and it’s hysterical for that very reason.

Hells yeah! I would do whatever she wanted even if that was to only be the toilet scrubber and then once she croaks the billions are mine.