Would you pit -- "Jewish propaganda"

Would you pit the poster (on another board) of this sentiment:

Another poster responded:

And the OP’s only “explanation”:

The OP then wandered off and failed to respond to requests for clarification on whether s/he intentionally used such an inflammatory word before returning a week later and playing the “picked on” card.

So – pit or pity?

Pathetic newbie thought it was in The Pit…if you could move this please…

slinking away…the shame…please don’t Pit me…

There’s a rule against “board wars” or bringing in dirty laundry from another board. While your OP is sort of borderline (“should I or should I not pit this person”), I’m think it’s probably best to use your own judgement here.

I hardly think this constitutes a ‘board war’ Finagle, unless Noodles Fellicini provides a link to **this **board.
My first Pit thread involved a member of another board who I was unfortunate enough to meet in person.
And there’s a Pit Thread about about an inane marriage boad, even as we speak.
Of course, I’m not a mod nor do I play one on TV.

And yes, I find the phrase Jewish propagande extremely offensive-especially as the implication appears to be that the Jews have used the Shoah somehow to gain an unfair advantage.
However, I’m never surprised when someone plays the poor misunderstood pity card on the 'net these days-it seems to go with the territory.