Wow, our new hire is my dream guy

This week my magazine hired a new subeditor. Our department took him out for welcome drinks last night, and we really clicked: lots of shared interests, same sense of humor, a lot of the same tastes in media but with enough difference of opinion to argue engagingly, and on top of this he’s cute in a skinny-jeans-indie-glasses way, AND from Derry, which is my favorite part of Ireland and probably my favorite city in the world to visit. (I have a diary entry from 2007 reading something like, “I just feel so happy every time I come here! I love this city! I MUST MARRY A DERRYMAN AND MOVE HERE FOREVER.”) Also, his dad is apparently close friends with one of my musical heroes, Ciaran Carson, which I recognize is not a reflection on him, per se, but it does mean that if we got married, family parties would be awesome.

Anyway, we ended up yammering in the corner of a table for about an hour and a half until I realised our supervisor was shooting over suspicious looks, and then this happened:

NEW HIRE: Well, I’d better get going, I’ve got a, uh, blind date tonight.
ME: Really?! I’ve got a blind date tomorrow night! :smiley:
NEW HIRE: :smiley:
ME: Well, good luck!
NEW HIRE: Yeah, you too!
ME: :smiley:
NEW HIRE: :smiley:
ME and NEW HIRE: Okayseeyoutomorrowbye.

And then I’m afraid I was less than convincing this morning when he came into the newsroom:

ME: Morning! How was your date?
NEW HIRE: Well, I got a text in the pub, and it turned out she decided she didn’t want to go through with it.
ME: Oh nooooooo.
NEW HIRE: Yeah, I guess it happens with this sort of thing.
ME: Yeah, it’s…sad.

Anyway, I figure at this point my options are:

[li]stomp on raging crush until it dies (questionable likelihood of success; may lead to inadvertent rudeness and)[/li][li]continue in friendly relationship, wait until one of us quits or moves to another department and unveil Five-Year Plan for courtship, engagement and wedding[/li][li]look into company dating policies and try not to breathe too heavily when showing him how to do things for the first few weeks[/li][li]???[/li][li]profit[/li][/ul]


Have you got a blind date tonight?

I would vote for ‘look into company dating policies’ before making any move…

Your company has dating policies?

Anyway, that aside, how closely would you be working with this guy? I met my wife through a works night out. We worked in the same building but had little to no interactions through work at all, so I had no qualms about starting that relationship, and we have now been married for coming up on 4 years. If however you will be working closely with this guy then a relationship that went bad could make your work life very uncomfortable. That said you only live once. The choice is yours. Good luck whatever you decide.

I have got a blind date tonight! A mutual friend thought we might get along, so we’re meeting for drinks after work. I’ve been trying to date around a bit.

Don’t most companies have dating policies?

We do work extremely closely – we’re the only two subeditors in a magazine of 15 (and a production team of five). That’s what gives me the most pause.

I’ve never been informed of one anyplace I’ve worked. But I’ve never asked, either. And in your case I’d ignore any such policy anyway.

I’ll go ahead and be the bucket of cold water here – dating someone you work with, esp. someone you work with closely, on a small staff is a really, really bad idea. Even if you guys totally click, never break up, etc., there’s the problem of how your coworkers respond to the pairing off, which may well not be positive.

Don’t do it.

This could be a sticky situation in more than one way. :smiley:
A) You don’t want to lose your job by gushing over said new hire every time you see him.
B) You don’t want to pass up an opportunity for love if this has the potential to be VERY POWERFUL love for the both of you.
C) He could be the Derryman you’ve been looking for.

I say look into policy, hint around at possibly going for a drink with the guy - keep it on the down low though - and see where the relationship matriculates from there. If you two hit it off and the sex and relationship is great you could make for great working partners. If you hit it off for a brief period and then it fizzles and dies, your work day could quickly become an episode from the Twilightzone. So I would cautiously proceed…go to the pub and get to know one another…try not to shag on the first date will you…it makes for awkwardness in the workplace, and with a Hawk for a supervisor you need to be careful.

Quit your job. He sounds dreeeeamy :slight_smile:

When you work that close… it can make things difficult if it doesn’t work out. And if it does work out, this is someone you’d be spending an incredible amount of time with.

Meh, life is short. Jump his bones.

Totally agree with Twickster. Let it go.

Hope you have your Very Favorite White Shirt ready to go!
You know, “the one that fits perfectly and has excellent darts that makes my waist look tiny and my boobs look amazing”.

P.S. Happiness is happiness, I wish you well :slight_smile:

Aww… it looks like you spilled red wineon your link!

Hell no I’m not quitting! I love this job. :smiley: I get to fix people’s prose for half the day, and screw around on the internet waiting for reporters to finish their articles for the other half. My first day here, an advertiser had just given the editorial team a free case of beer. My superviser buys us biscuits every press day, and there isn’t a single person on the team who’s unpleasant to work with. And we’re in a recession, for God’s sake!

I think I’ll probably let it settle for a few weeks – he has only worked here for two days, so he could have a horrible underside that I’m not seeing! That is, option 3. For now. :slight_smile: I could have sworn my company handbook had something about office relationships in it, but I couldn’t find anything when I flipped through it at lunch.

dba fred, thanks for reminding me again what a mistake it was to mention anything about my body in a public space. Are you going to follow me around going “remember that time you said you had boobs?” in every thread I start, or is this one special?

Seemed like a *Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share * kinda thing. :o
Hope to hear he finds them amazing :smiley:
Best wishes in all you endeavors :slight_smile:

You are being creepy. Please stop.

This is a prediction, not a prescription. The White Shirt Thread has all the markers of something that is likely to follow you around for a long time. Could be worse, you know. Could have something to do with sheep.

You can at this point either ignore it entirely, in which case it will likely go away, or you can keep responding in this way. In which case it has some potential to reach, er, skaldic proportions.

You don´t get to choose how you are remembered mostly but you can affect the chances.

Since it’s a small staff and you two are in creative jobs where you might butt heads… you’re definitely going to shack up. Just like in the movies!

Okay, I kid. But having something go sour would really ruin things for you. If there’s something there, a few months of flirting should sustain it. Either you’ll end up head-over-heels in love and decide together that one of you will quit or you’re both adult enough to have both a relationship and a career together, or he’ll come to work one day hungover and puke on your desk… or turn out to be racist or sexist or homophobic… or gay…

Actually, it was a question. I’m trying to politely let people know that it bothers me; it’s more sexist and boring than it is funny; and I would appreciate it if every time I posted, I was not greeted with “YOU HAVE BOOBS ON THE INTERNET.” What people choose to do with that information is their own decision. I don’t appreciate the inference that I am responsible for other people’s sexism.

If this is true, I’ll probably end up leaving the board shortly. It bothers me. Please don’t do it.

I’m long overdue for a His Girl Friday rewatch, aren’t I? :smiley:

Man, my last big work crush was gay. That was a big let-down, especially after (what I thought was) some pretty extensive flirting over a pub lunch. This one was definitely planning a date with a woman, so I think at least that’s off the table!

Tracy Lord - You’re wigging out about a gentle tease (note the winking smiley in dba Fred’s post). And now it’s “creepy”? Like a guy sitting on your bed is creepy? I think you need to be a little less sensitive.

The Dope is like a family. People push, people tease, but it’s generally meant in good fun. And there’s usually good-natured banter. If you take yourself too seriously, you’ll never make friends.