Wow. Rush Quote from '88

I ran across this quote on another board, googled it to check for veracity, and just can’t beleive the…well…flip-floppiness of it all.
“And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam ‘allegedly’ gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a ‘war criminal’ or ‘committing crimes against humanity’ is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! And speaking of poison gas . . . I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM.”
Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988

Hehehehehe. Don’t these guys on the radio realize that they are being recorded?

This is in the Pit, simply because I can’t think of a better place to put it, and I know the talk will get heated.
peace out

Hardly worth commenting upon. I hold things said by a radio entertainer 16 years ago to be relevant to my everyday life and the recent election.


Is there a point other than the fact that Mr. Limbaugh has been an offensive blowhard in the past?

I would probably be lots more amused if this wasn’t the 53,247th Rush quote that has come back to bite him in the ass. It would also be funnier if it actually mattered. But unfortunately, no matter how wrong and two-faced he is, his listeners will not stop tuning in. And believing him.


Wow, googled to check the veracity. Well, that is good enough for me!

I think that the importance of this quote lies in having it published ALL OVER for awhile. I want to wake up and hear it on my alarm radio and it’d be pretty cool if they could throw it on a marquee in a few large cities too.

Maybe we could call him a few times a day and play it for him?

You Googled for veracity? Please.

Limbaugh is an ass, but that quote is transparently fake, even if it has been posted to a lot of blogs in the last few months.

It appears to be something that Aaron McGruder wrote. You know: satire.

Does anyone have a cite for this that is more than a year old? If he had said it in '88, there should be any number of mentions on the “Rush is an idiot” websites and newsgroups…

Don’t you know that when the uber-conservative position on a topic changes, it changes retroactively? Sheesh. Just like when WMDs, complete with “he’s got’em” quotes from the president and comical gesticulations over an artist’s rendering from Powell, became a mission of liberation.

Mr. Waverly, please report to the MiniTrue Office immediately. We would like a word with you.

I’m sorry, but this quote looks too good to be true. A short time ago, there was a thread in the Pit about Rush attacking the rock stars who were supporting Kerry as being “drug addled.” I don’t think anyone was able to solidly verify that quote. I’m afraid that also seems to be the case with the one cited in the OP.

Maybe Snopes will soon confirm or debunk this story.

I think Limbaugh is an idiot blowhard, but that qoute seems fishy…if nothing else then for the “Gas the drug addicts” part.

Rush has been doing his show for 16 years or so and this is the first I’ve heard of him saying this. If the qoute was really that old, I’m really suprised that I hadn’t heard it before.

Yeah. I used to be a fairly avid Rush Limbaugh listener (I was in high school—I didn’t know any better), and the “gas the drug addicts” part immediately set off my bullshitometer. While he may have a less than favorable opinion of drug addicts, he would never say something that daft.

What do you mean by 'googled it for veracity"? I just did a google search and didn’t find a single reputable source for the quote.

sigh The number of people who couldn’t smell sarcasm if it were smeared under their noses in here is depressing.

Look at the username of the person who “googled for veracity”. Tell me that the poster with that username would actually accept a google cite for the truth of this quote. Go ahead. Tell me.

Sarcasm. It’s what’s for dinner.

Ya got me, jayjay. Who is yanceylebeef, and what’s his rep?

Look, I know he’s bi – but he’s on the opposite end of the continent from you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, don’t you have a scientific experiment to work on for your homework, young man! :mad:


I don’t buy it either. Not because Rush isn’t a flaming asshole, he most assuredly is. But because I very much doubt he made any reference to Saddam Hussein being criticized by wussy liberals because I remember the time-frame mentioned, I remember hearing reports about the gassing, and I remember the vast, echoing silence of total disinterest. Nobody gave a shit, there was no great outcry for Rush to sneer at.

There are also people saying that quote came from a November 1988 “Boondocks” comic strip… unfortunately that comic didn’t start until 1996…

Someone probably made it up to make some sort of stupid point…

Ugh. My mistake. I thought that Brutus had come up with a brilliant example of sarcasm when he posted about “googling for veracity”. I totally missed that the OP said it first. sigh

And Poly, the experimental run doesn’t start until Friday.

The trick is to look at the porn sites that come up. If you get at least 50% porn coverage, with three or more involving something horribly illegal, you’re probably okay. Less than that, and the quote may be fake.