Wow, that's a BAD cover of that song

I managed one minute and eight seconds. By my estimate, he didn’t start singing until 0.42.



I knew when I posted about the Disturbed take, a lot of people like it. It just sounds like a generic cover of when generic milquetoast “rockers” on American Idol type competitions would do a bland “rock” take on a famous song. FWIW, I’m not even a huge fan of the original song and I actually like some Disturbed songs including their 1 big rock hit from back in the day and think it’s sad they are more known for their cover songs now, rather than some pretty interesting good/bad/ugly songs of their own that weren’t as generic.

Don’t know about that. I detest generic rock covers, but there’s more than that with the Distrubed SoS. The singer puts out a perfect, dynamic performance, very different from the Folk original, while the melody and the lyrics are killer as already a fact. It’s a memorable piece.