Wrapping up July in the MMP

My cat is very generous. I came home today to find he seemed to want me to have my share of his kill. Right at the end of the hallway there was a mouse. Lacking a head. Nummies. I disposed of my share. FLUSH!!!

Now I’ve set two traps. I don’t know where this one emerged, but there is one little place that they have come from before, so near there is where I set the traps. I go for the old fashioned snap traps, none of this merciful stuff where you stick "em to a pad and release them

Those aren’t merciful; they become covered in glue trying to escape. They are more horrible than instant death from a snap.

I am surprised they are not covered in your health care system.

We have supped and just had a frawg strangler. Looks like a few more of those may follow. Bring it on, I say!

CupCakes kitteh just wants to do her part. :D:eek:

No, they’re not. :frowning:
I think you can pay less if you have your own health insurance, if you’re actually employed (or if a parent is employed and you’re under 18.)

With the cost and difficulty of getting a therapist (and finding work,) no wonder so many people are so often depressed and poor.

That fellates with great alacrity. Here I thought you guys were all fixed up health wise.
How many folks in Canada have insurance, and why do they need it besides of physiological care?

Tomorrow my friend is taking her kitteh to the vet. It may be time for kitteh to cross the bridge. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Midget, can you ask your primary care doctor for a referral?

Supper was rotissed chickie, with sides of carrots, crinkle fries, and watermelon chunks. Dishes are done and I’m about to assume the recline position.

Another Monday bites the dust! :smiley:

Maybe, but I have great difficulty in seeing my doctor. He’s always booked at least a month in advance, and the secretary is impatient and aggressive with you on the phone if you try to make an appointment sooner.

Worked, laundered ,came home. 7 days till vacation(?)

Midget, vent as needed. And do what you can, when you can. You don’t have to fix everything at once.

Nut ,go!

emily, when I get a case of the procrastinations (or am just behind in things), I tend to make a list and divide it up in small chunks. I kinda cut a deal with myself for small rewards as I check off the small jobs and soon, I find the big jobs are flying by. It may or may not work for you, but the worst that can happen is that you get a couple of small jobs finished and enjoy a cup of coffee or an ice cream cone.

baker, your puddy tat was doing her job. :slight_smile: As far as the glue traps go, small critters such as cats and little dogs can get glued down and panic. Rodents will sometimes chew a foot or two off and limp away, leaving a bloody trail and die in your walls. :eek:

It’s Monday, EoM and one cow-orker called out. That means that the other one and I are stuck with her work that, if she shows tomorrow, she’ll go crying to the boss that she can’t finish in time. Screw dat, I’m not working over. Nice Red just got ugly. :smiley:

Midget why don’t you go ahead and make the appointment? A month isn’t that long and you can always cancel if something changes. Also, let me know if I should Have Words with that receptionist. Her job is to be welcoming, not to make you feel like you’re imposing. Heaven forfend someone should be ill and need to see their physician. What does she imagine her job is? :mad:

I am taking a break from packing and sorting by eating ice cream. So far I am throwing away a lot more than I am packing (go me!), and I need to get a lot more ice cream.

I’m watching political news, which may help explain the nausea, but the irritation keeps me moving.

Thanks, all.
And sorry if it looked like I was making this thread all about me or something. Probably should’ve started a separate thread, but didn’t know how that would go over.

Midget there is a company called Just Answer that has online psychologists. I’ve never checked that part out but I have used the company for legal, medical, and veterinary advice. I’ve ways been happy with the service.

There are other online therapists you could look up and see how much it costs.

I found this site https://paindoctor.com/free-therapy-online/

For cleaning, I love the KonMari and FlyLady methods. You can find both online, and the information is free.

I agree with Red, make a list and do the projects in small chunks.

sari that looks like a great resource. I’m going to look into some of those.

Thank you.
I have been making lists, sort of.
I’ll try to get things done tomorrow.

I know there is another company similar to Just Answer but I can’t remember the name.
From the comments in the link I think some of the resources need to be updated, but it’s a starting point.

Midget talk away!

Milan is looking like the current winner in the flight price/cost of stay/interesting things in the area stakes. I don’t want to book somewhere 'cos the flight’s cheap, then find the place is extortionate or there’s nothing much to do close, especially as I only have a few days, so I can’t just head somewhere more interesting when I get there. Done that before.

Not sure what today’s plans are; I have irk later, and my upper back’s not being a happy back.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work.