WTF? it's freakin Orange

Hell, my money has always had a bit more color on it, but that’s because it’s blood money. :wink:

I might want to be able to open my wallet without the mugger next to me seeing that I have big bills.

I haven’t seen the 10’s but I don’t like the color on the 20. Are they ever going to switch the 1’s? That will make me feel old.

They still all look the same to me. It’s a joke, right? please tell me it’s a joke.

The problem is having 50 different quarters for states, plus the bicentenial, and other coins in circulation. You wouldn’t know if someone was passing something new or counterfiet. Now they’re doing it to the paper money. They need to retire the old money before they make changes after changes. The best way to pass bad money in a store would be to make a new design up and tell the cashier that it’s a new $20 bill. I think the color of the latest release, makes it look like rust from being in a less than desirerable location when found.

The problem with the dollar coins isn’t that they don’t work - they work just fine. While I was living in NYC area, I loved 'em because you never had a problem feeding an SBA to the PATH machines, but the dollar bills would always cause a hassle.

In spite of that obvious fact, most people kept using the bills - and refused to use the coins.

It’s not that the coin doesn’t work - it’s that the American public doesn’t want to use the coins.

I’m convinced the only way to get rid of the dollar bill is to do it the way Canada did: phase out the dollar bill 6 months to a year after the next time the mint tries to introduce a dollar coin.

And you’ll hear the screams in Tasmania if it ever gets proposed in Congress.

Just a little piece of paper, coated with… carotene?

I’m waiting for the blue $50’s and white $1’s. Pumpkin orange should be reserved for $500 bills!

I’ve got a 50 in front of me now. The starry blue color’s nice but Grant looks constipated and has a large booger on his right cheek. Fine print, color and watermarks I understand, boogers, not so much.

I like the 10s, brought one home the other day to show the wife. Now there’s a really quick way to lose a 10.

You might be onto something here. If they’re going to introduce colored money, why oh why did they choose pastels? Easily the least-favorite color group on the American aesthetic pallet.

It may be a pain carrying change around, but it’s lots of fun finding out that you actually have ten-twenty bucks when you don’t have any bills in your wallet.

I certainly don’t miss $1 and $2 bills - largely because vending machines of all sorts work better – but especially for the rapid transit ticket dispenser. Nothing like hearing your train coming as the machine continually rejects your bill because it’s been in circulation long enough to lose its starched-sheet quality.

Also, it doesn’t take as long to get on the bus now, since a fare is typically two or three coins, where it would be take a minimum of nine quarters without the dollar coins, and probably come down to nickels and dimes, anyway. And I remember what a hassle it used to be to make sure that I had enough change for the bus on hand at all times. I don’t think I’ve had to have a bill exchanged for coins since the $2s arrived.

Tee hee! I bet they actually listened to the weenies complaining about ‘monopoly money’ and wussed out. You could have had easy-to-distinguish, difficult-to-counterfeitcolour, but all you get is ‘oops I spilled my coffee’ :smiley:

Thank you! hugs wallet

(Although I have to admit, orange/peach/etc. is a pretty weird colour for money…)

That’s what all the fuss is about? It looks like someone got a little careless and spilled a bit of pastel.

It’s true. If you take one of each denomination of Canadian bills and arrange them as in that picture, you too can spell “SAMPLE” vertically.

I already freak out every time I open my wallet, but sadly, not for the same reasons you are gunning for.

Aren’t the backs still green, anyway?

Personally I agree with those calling for mor pizazz. I think it’s a good thing. And regarding those still-green backs, they have got to be the stodgiest reverse designs anywhere in the world. The old 10-spots, at least, used to spice it up with that exciting diagonal view of the Treasury Building, and the antique cars, but now that’s gone. I’ve always thought they should put scenes from national parks on the backs.

Don’t hold your breath unless you want to turn blue. The newest $20 bills have been out for years but I still almost never get them from the ATM. Is that true for most people, or is it just my bank? In any event, the Federal Reserve banks have apparently not made any effort to pull the old ones from circulation.

By contrast, when the next-newest design was released some years earlier, I was surprised by how quickly the old ‘classic’ Twenties, with the design that had been used for most of the 20th century, disappeared. It seemed like no more than a matter of weeks.

If you’re appealing to what is popular in the American aesthetic, we’re going to wind up with money festooned with puppies and angels and shit.

Sweet. Then I can get a buck in change, right? :smiley:

I’d rather carry around a dollar coin that a lot of smaller crap. And if it saves me money because we won’t have to replace dollar coins nearly as often as we need to replace the easily-ripped cotton bills, so much the better. I think the dollar coin is common sense.

And you have no idea how ashamed I am of that unintentional pun.