My friend just got an XBox and he said all it does is crash. I swear (like I said before), I went to 3 stores that had X-Box demos (target, toys r us, walmart), and they were all broken. I hear that’s happened to a lot of other X-Box demos. Maybe it’s the demo disk, I don’t know… maybe it’s just a fluke?
I really would like to get both Cube and Box if I had the , so I'm getting a cube because I love Nintendo games, and the . I HAVE (or HAD) nothing against the X-Box, but I seriously think this might be a problem. I’m being honest, I’ve heard a lot about this problem. My friend took it back and wont get an exchange until Sat. He’s pretty mad.
How does he describe the “crash”? Does it play at all? shuts off after a few minutes? Details my friend…
Toys’R Us & Wal-Mart both kept shutting down too…But the morons had them locked in a box (In my town) that was just big enough to hold the console. When you have a 733mhz processor, and 233mzh video card running high end graphics 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it doesn’t take long to fry them in an airtight box. Babbages was the only store that had a clue about that. Presumably, the same thing could happen in the home setting if you have the console stuffed into an entertainment center with a TV, VCR, etc. Generating heat also.
Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons!
~ She’s not crazy, just a little misunderstood… -Better Than Ezra
Just so’s you know, apparently the XDK in the upper corner of that screenshot indicates it’s a development system, so it likely differs a bit in code from the consumer stuff being shipped.
I have read reports here and there though about a lot of defective unit returns, though most are so far unsubstantiated. I’ll wait awhile before I seriously consider an XBox. The PS2 is looking pretty attractive to me now with some of the titles that are out.
Ok, I follow this one. The X-box when first released to stores to show off what it is capable of was reported by Game-somethingn that they went to various stores and all the X-Boxes had crashed. MS PR dropped the ball and didn’t refute this. It turns out they were overheating because the box in which they were incased didn’t have any/enough vents to let air flow in and out. So I bet the system will and does lock up or crash at times, it is a rare thing.
How could you make a home entertainment product and not realize that people are going to “stuff” them into a small space in their entertainment center? We’ve been doing this to our VCR’s, TVs, Stereos, and DVD players if you ask me.
If they ever visited a gaming store, they’d realize that the systems were going to be locked into small boxes for demonstration purposes. It’s been standard operating procedure for years.
Pure stupidity if you ask me. But typical Microsoft. All they’re interested in is features, they never think about the implications (especially security related) of those features.
I’ve been playing mine almost non-stop since I got it 36 hours ago, and I haven’t had it crash yet.
Yesterday, we had 3 attempted returns I think on the XBox. 2 were solved by telling the customer that they can’t sit things on it (suffocate it), or otherwise expose it to overheating issues.
Another was when we had to inform a customer that the XBox doesn’t play PS2 games.
I got an X-Box yesterday (go me!), and was reading through the troubleshooting section of the guide, and there’s a section in it that said that if the X-Box gets too hot, it will shut itself down. If that happens, the power LED on the front of the machine will blink orange…so if you see any crashed ones at the store, that’s a way to check. I didn’t have any problems with mine other than forgeting to buy the RF switch and having to postpone my gametime by about 20 minutes as I hauled butt to Wal-mart to buy one. Once I started it up though, it was all worth it…the games are spectacular (at least, Dead or Alive 3 and Halo are). If the machine has any problems, I haven’t seen them yet.
Folks need to read the instructions on their electronic equipment. For example my the instructions for my receiver say to give it plenty of room so that it does not over heat. I would imagine the instructions for the X-Box say to give it plenty of room.
I think it’s unfair to think that since it comes from MS it’s going to crash. The reason there’s so much MS stuff crashing on PCs is because
a) there’s lots of different hardware out here
b) there’s lots of different software running along side MS software.
c) there’s too many possible configurations of the above to test it all
Hey I go to Cicuit City and Comp USA, and I see all the wonderful displays for Dreamcast, gamecube, PS2, all unplayable. It is not just X-box. Get a cooling fan or put it in a cool place.
I’m starting to want an X-Box sooner than I thought. Only part that doesn’t make it attractive is I’ll be in college in a year and that isn’t something im going to take with me.
Hey genius, I had to copy your entire post to show the ignorance in it’s entirety.
It is as simple as this: You want to play high end games with great graphics, good A.I., and other cool features? You gotta have the hardware to run it. I don’t know your knowledge of computers (Not much apparently), but hardware creates heat. Heat wears down electronic components. If you do not believe me, take your computer, put it in an airtight box, play a few video games, and see how long it lasts. The days of leaving your NES on the carpet, with pizza boxes and clothes thrown all over it are done.
I really hate to be rude. I really do. But every once in a while…
Feh. Worst case scenario is you have a silly lil’ sig for a month. I’m thinking of something along the lines of “The X-Box wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.” But heck, you’ve got until… what was it… March 1st?
C’mon, everybody and his brother will tell you it’s too early to pass judgment on the system. I’m not going to get nuts about it until a few more games get released.
Eh, give the hackers some time to muck around with the system. That’s what forced the PS2 disc recall, after all.
[sub]Nah, I don’t believe that’s gonna happen either. I just can’t stand to see SPOOFE win. :D[/sub]
Ok, I have The Incredibly Ignorant Question of the Day:
Why are we bothering to buy dedicated game systems for what decent used whole computer sytems would cost from some guy across town? What can they do that a PIII 1Gig with a good video card can’t?
I’m assuming there is a reason, but if a gaming system consists of a processor, some memory, some video rendering software/hardware, why aren’t we all just running this stuff on PCs that so many people already have?