Xash. May I call you the Hammer!

I was just wondering… I don’t spend too much time in GQ these days, but when I do I’ve noticed you are a quite prolific new moderator. You are a New moderator right? Personally, I like your style. You seem direct and too the point. That is a respectable trait. But for some reason I can’t help but think you look like Mike Hammer, did you ever see that show…The Sledge?

Anyway Congrat’s on your new ‘Moderatorness’ and have a great day!

[sub]BTW, if you are not a new moderator and I have been in some kind of cerebral coma and just not saw your name, my appologies[/sub]

Has xash been Pitted yet? Who wants to be the first?

Yes, I just noticed xash too. I wa also wondering if perhaps my skills of observation had waned because I couldn’t recall a “Xash” ever before.

Let’s Pit 'im! – Wait. No. hasn’t been snarky enough yet. Just goes about business matter-of-factly…

Darn, we’ll have to wait for a Pit-worthy, merciless thread-lock.

Check out ATMB… he’s only been around for about a week or two.

He does a good job though… I’ve noticed more moved threads by him alone than I have all the other mods in the short time he’s been around.