XCUSE ME!! People Photo Pages?!?!


I went to the People Pages to see what everyone looks like and noticed that lots have not sent in any pictures in quite some time. Did the pages close or is she not accepting any new pictures?

I sent in a photo a few weeks ago and it still has yet to be put on the pages. Arrgh.

…or whatever other punishment you feel should befall me. :frowning:

I’ve had everything from a crashed computer at home (and this borrowed one still has no video drivers so I can’t see shit on it, making working with web pages impossible) to being extreeeeemely busy at work, amongst other things, that have kept me from doing any additional work on the pages. My deepest apologies to those who have been patiently waiting for updates. I promise to do some work on them and have additional pictures posted within the week.


BratMan here under my new name! If you’re still lurking, please check out my Thanks to the Dopers thread. Also, I should have a picture for you soon (hopefully this week). I can send you a new one if I want to change it right? Cuz right now, I’m growing a beard to see how it looks, and if I don’t like it, I’m going to want to send in a clean-shaven pic of me. Also, I died my hair back to it’s original color (not a blonde anymore, yay! I hereby promise not to make any more wagers on sports that involve me doing anything to my hair again!)

Shayna, I’d wondering where you’d been. Welcome Back.

Wow. You do realize that she’s doing this on her own time, and as a favour for us, right?

Cause man, are those first two posts ever rude.

Keep your bloody pants on.

I sent a new pic too, a few weeks ago. If you can’t find it when you get around to the updates, tell me and I’ll send it again.

Hey Shayna. DOn’t worry about getting it done ASAP, just get your stuff settled first. Do mention to me if you didn’t receive the photo I sent though in case I need to resend it to you.

I know I saw it somewhere lately, but where are the photo pages?


I’m sorry. I didn’t want to come across as such. ::cuts off head, puts it on a plate, hands it to mega:: Here ya go.

That’s much better. Thank you.


How often does this apply to ssskuggiii?

:eek: I think someone needs a spanking. :wink:


Stop apologizing. :slight_smile: I sent a pic a while back - last month sometime. If you don’t have it, please let me know whenver you get a chance and I will resend.

Hey Mega!

I didn’t think my post was rude at all. I was just asking a question, not chastizing SHAYNA! Cripes!

I just found your “XCUSE ME!!” to be somewhat discourteous.

Especially the second time.

… but don’t listen to me… I’m sick, I’m tired and I’m stressed.

Sorry folks, I haven’t downloaded any pics in a while for Shayna to update…although I did upload some that I had completed today.

Looks like I have 16 more pictures to download and get over to Shayna.

Shayna, nice to see your smiling face hun, hope you are well!

I, for one, would rather see Shayna back here on a regular basis than have the Picture Pages up to date. But that’s easy to say when you haven’t sent your picture in yet!

(I have a camera, my daughter is fairly ept using it, I’m not looking too scroungy–guess I’m quickly running out of excuses!)


we miss you! hope everything is well.
