Y2K in NYC? You’re Invited!

So I’m throwing this party for New Year’s, and many friends can’t/won’t be able to make it. No one has the guts to travel, of course, and lots of folks have to be in their data centers at midnight (Yes, I’m so old that I know COBOL people). Add in the whole baby-sitter thing, and my party is underpopulated.

So why do you care? Well, you probably don’t. But if you’re going to be in the NYC metro area this Friday, perhaps you’d like to join me and mine. Here’s a replica of the invite. I hope. Depending on how badly I messed up the coding.

<p align=“center”> <font size=4>

Y (the heck not) 2K

manhattan cordially invites you and yours to a reasonably mellow celebration of the new millennium. </font></p>

**Where and When? **
Ace Bar, 531 E. 5th Street, New York 10009 (between Ave. A and B) on December 31, 1999.

What’s it like?
A neighborhood bar, but cooler. Friendly, not fancy. Imagine Cheer’s if it got its eyelid pierced.

Who’s invited?
120 or so of the friends with whom I have been privileged to be associated over the years. Nothing over-the-top, just a nice place, away from the over-serious hoopla, to enjoy the evening. We have the bar alone from 9 to 2. There’s no official dance floor, but we can find room if the mood strikes you. All at no cost to you.

What should I wear?
Anything you damn well please! Formal, costume, dressy casual, period, fetish, beach wear, etc. What am I, your mother?

**What’s the deal with eats? **
Light munchies only, if that. There are several good restaurants in the area for those who want a meal and are looking to keep their overall travel area small. In case you haven’t been reminded 1,000,000 times yet, make reservations early. You may find www.zagat.com to be of some help.

**O.K., Mr. Too-cheap-to-buy-the-big-sandwich-for-his-friends, what about the drinks? **
Hey, no dinner but the drinks are on me. Open bar from 9 to 2, champagne toast at midnight. The people working at Ace Bar that night are friends and friends of friends, so please overtip and make me look good.

**Will you be choosing the music? And if so, where do I send my regrets? **
Actually, you will be choosing the music. I’m soliciting everyone for their ideas for songs from the past 100 years. That list will be culled, burned onto CD’s and thrown into the disk changer on random. E-mail me your suggestions.

**You know how I get after a five-hour open bar. Where do I stay? **
You got me. But there are actually rumored to be hotel rooms in the city for the big night at a reasonable price.

**Will you have canned food, bottled water and firearms? You know, just in case? **
Of course not! I have compete faith in the preparation being work done by the various infrastructure providers in NYC.

**But doesn’t the new millennium really start on January 1, 2001? **
Oh, for Pete’s sake. Yes it does, Cliff Clavin, but you’ll feel pretty stupid standing in an empty room next year.

**O.K., you sold me. Now what? **

RSVP to me. Do not RSVP to the bar.
E-mail me at miller164@email.com
<p align=“center”>
Each invite contemplates two people. Many people will want to bring just themselves, and some will want to bring more than two.
If you have more or fewer, please let me know as soon as possible.
Please RSVP as soon as possible></p>

Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine

Manny, if I were anywhere close to NYC on New Year’s Eve I’d be there with bells on! Thanks for the invite – I’m so sorry that I have to decline. Think of me during one of those champagne sips, mmm?


Very, very cool invitation.
Let me be the 1st, oops…make that second to thank you. We’re having a small party ourselves, so,…we send our regrets. Put some early Fleshtones and a little Brian Setzer on that disc! Have a fantastic time!!

Wow! That invitation begs an answer…

Wish I could, pal, I really wish I could. Have a drink (on manny :wink: ) for me.

Happy New Year!

The Apple would be one cool place to be on the eve, but I’d be damned if I would be anywhere near Times Square. (I know you’re not.) Call me paranoid (YOU’RE PARANOID) but it seems like Times Square would be ground zero for terrorists.

I hope you have a wonderful Y2K eve.

As I live in New Mexico, I will be unable to attend your soirée. If you would be so kind, could you raise a glass of cheer for me right before the infrastructure collapses?

I’ll do the same for you. Really!




I once lost my corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days
-W.C. Fields

As it turns out, I’m going to be in NYC on New Years, visiting my best friend. We’d love to stop by.

Actually Manny, My fiance and myself will be in Jersey for a dinner…for some reason not known to me, we are going to the early dinner which ends at 10pm or so…I have no idea why, but this left me feeling kinda miffed that we’d be sitting at home watching Dick Clark at Midnight…I’ll talk it over with her, and let you know…what’s the deadline for RSVP?

I’ll be in Times Square when the ball drops, I’d love to attend your party. If i can make it to the bar, count me in. I’ll be the one in layers of frozen clothes. See ya.

so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Tori Amos

Oh man… El Hubbo’s gonna be pissed when he hears we’ve been invited to a party in NYC. That’s exactly where he’d like to be when the 1900s turn into the 2000s.

Sadly, I’ve got to send our regrets. Sounds like we’re going to miss a total blast, manny! Thanks so much for inviting us.

Thanks for the invite. Wish I could attend, however, Manhattan is probably the most likely place for terrorists to strike.

Oh, please, Bill–even the most dedicated terrorist won’t be able to blow up the whole island, and I’m sure Manny’s bash will be safe from any fallout.

Me, I’ll be on the Main Line, happily toasting in the new year with other society matrons and dowagers.

Terrorists are going to blow up Manhattan? One of our own loyal Dopers! The Teeming Millions will not take this laying down. Watch your back manny, I would but I must sadly decline the invite, even more sadly once I heard Val is going to be there, you’re in for a interesting evening. I have my own party in the Windy City to attend, much like yours I must say. Val is gonna be there (can I make it to both?), damn, doesn’t look possible. Have fun and fill us in on the details.

Ah, 5th Street between Avenue A and B. I spent many a sleepless night on that very block, metaphorically nursing my pale quivering mid-extacy+cocaine-withrawal Twilo-dancing drum-and-bass ex-girlfriend to her baseline level of near-sanity.

Such self-effacing memories…

Aw hell, put me on that RSVP list, Manfred J. Hattan. I’ll almost probably definitely be there to ring in the new millenium!

But if anyone goes through a drug withdrawal while I’m there, you’re on your own.

If I wanted smoke blown up my ass, I’d be at home with a pack of cigarettes and a short length of hose.

We never dated, right, Alphagene?

so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Tori Amos

My gosh, the gracious responses! I should have invited all you guys in the first place and forget about my paranoid kid-having bonehead real-life friends.

Seriously, though, those who plan to attend should drop me an email with your IRL names and number of guests so I can put you on the bouncer’s list.

The place won’t open till nine, open bar till two, cash bar until, well, until.

Omni: Don’t worry about me, the terrorists won’t be able to get a cab to take them to the out-of-the-way location of my party. Also, the place is immediately above the Water Tunnel #2 branch to Brooklyn, half a block from an electrical substation and less than a block from a Bell Atlantic central office. Not that I planned it like that or anything.

Melin said that if she could, she’d

Ya gotta love a readhead- she understood what I was shooting for with the dress code. :wink:

Psycat90: You’ll get your chance to meet the Alphanator in the flesh (or bells) on Friday. Get there early, cuz the ladies will eat him right up.

Uke, Sax, Cap’n, CM? Others? Any takers?

Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine

Hey Mr DJ I thought you said we had a deal…

Bad Religion
Cocteau twins
Duran Duran
(yes, my cd collection is alphabetized)
Foo Fighters
Guns N Roses
Tom Jones
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Nine Inch Nails
They Might Be Giants


well just thought id throw a few ;p suggestions out…

oh 2 i absolutely LOVE- Groove is in the heart by Deee-lite and Spin, spin sugar by the sneaker pimps. oohh im very looking forward to this. xoxo

so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Tori Amos

Sorry, Manny. Heading up to Cape Cod this weekend. The Latvians need to be far removed from society and civilization this weekend.

I would love to hang out there some other time, though.

Formerly unknown as “Melanie”

Warning. Subject change.

Sax! You’re Latvian!?!

That is so cool. One of my best friends, Mr. Ivars Upens, is the unofficial Latvian ambassador to Minnesota. 400 pounds of national pride in a 200-pound bag.

My maiden name is Rasha Stephens. Ivars says that he can be friends with me because my could pass for a Latvian name - an “a” on the end of my first name and an “s” on the end of my last.

Wow, Cant. I don’t know Ivars, but I know lots of other Minnesotans. Most of them are in Tobago right now. What age group is Ivars in?

Would you wish him a “Laimigu Jauno Gadu” from the East Coast Excessive Latvian Pride Posse?

Your first name actually sounds a bit Latvian. Very lovely.

Formerly unknown as “Melanie”