So I’m throwing this party for New Year’s, and many friends can’t/won’t be able to make it. No one has the guts to travel, of course, and lots of folks have to be in their data centers at midnight (Yes, I’m so old that I know COBOL people). Add in the whole baby-sitter thing, and my party is underpopulated.
So why do you care? Well, you probably don’t. But if you’re going to be in the NYC metro area this Friday, perhaps you’d like to join me and mine. Here’s a replica of the invite. I hope. Depending on how badly I messed up the coding.
<p align=“center”> <font size=4>
Y (the heck not) 2K
manhattan cordially invites you and yours to a reasonably mellow celebration of the new millennium. </font></p>
**Where and When? **
Ace Bar, 531 E. 5th Street, New York 10009 (between Ave. A and B) on December 31, 1999.
What’s it like?
A neighborhood bar, but cooler. Friendly, not fancy. Imagine Cheer’s if it got its eyelid pierced.
Who’s invited?
120 or so of the friends with whom I have been privileged to be associated over the years. Nothing over-the-top, just a nice place, away from the over-serious hoopla, to enjoy the evening. We have the bar alone from 9 to 2. There’s no official dance floor, but we can find room if the mood strikes you. All at no cost to you.
What should I wear?
Anything you damn well please! Formal, costume, dressy casual, period, fetish, beach wear, etc. What am I, your mother?
**What’s the deal with eats? **
Light munchies only, if that. There are several good restaurants in the area for those who want a meal and are looking to keep their overall travel area small. In case you haven’t been reminded 1,000,000 times yet, make reservations early. You may find to be of some help.
**O.K., Mr. Too-cheap-to-buy-the-big-sandwich-for-his-friends, what about the drinks? **
Hey, no dinner but the drinks are on me. Open bar from 9 to 2, champagne toast at midnight. The people working at Ace Bar that night are friends and friends of friends, so please overtip and make me look good.
**Will you be choosing the music? And if so, where do I send my regrets? **
Actually, you will be choosing the music. I’m soliciting everyone for their ideas for songs from the past 100 years. That list will be culled, burned onto CD’s and thrown into the disk changer on random. E-mail me your suggestions.
**You know how I get after a five-hour open bar. Where do I stay? **
You got me. But there are actually rumored to be hotel rooms in the city for the big night at a reasonable price.
**Will you have canned food, bottled water and firearms? You know, just in case? **
Of course not! I have compete faith in the preparation being work done by the various infrastructure providers in NYC.
**But doesn’t the new millennium really start on January 1, 2001? **
Oh, for Pete’s sake. Yes it does, Cliff Clavin, but you’ll feel pretty stupid standing in an empty room next year.
**O.K., you sold me. Now what? **
RSVP to me. Do not RSVP to the bar.
E-mail me at
<p align=“center”>
Each invite contemplates two people. Many people will want to bring just themselves, and some will want to bring more than two.
If you have more or fewer, please let me know as soon as possible.
Please RSVP as soon as possible></p>
Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine