Which prob’ly isn’t such a big deal to you, but it is to me.
Which prob’ly isn’t such a big deal to you, but it is to me.
You might want to fix your link.
link worked fine fo rme. Nice blog Quasi
Much better. Nice blog, we’re famous now!
It is nice, Quasi, and I loved seeing the pics.
Thanks!!! So glad you’re still here!
You’re doing a good job with the blog.
Oh, and I hope you have fun with the new Xbox.
Thanks, violet! It’s nice of you to visit, and as for the XBox, I can’t wait
I have never had anything like that before, and I am looking forward to Julian (my grandson) to show me how to use it!
We have Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda already loaded, and I am planning on joining the on-line version of all the games as well.
I just hope I can hold on to whatever intelligence I have!
It’s ridiculous to try to indicate a fireplace and not know what it is called!
I just point and say “that THING”.
Jesus Christ!
Very cool blog, Quasi. I’ve bookmarked it to keep up with the play in your part of the world. Cheers.
Thank you! With my favorite Kiwi “by my side” I’m a happy boy!
Please write, okay?
I suddenly seem to have all this time on my hands, and I have been brought to my knees as far as arrogance goes.
Your Bill
Geez, this thread is so pointless. Ever heard of LiveJournal?
You? Arrogant? Gerroutuvit! Glad to see you around on the 'Net, my friend. Email’s on its way.
I find it interesting that you can document what you forget. It’s like you can remember things that you don’t remember. Curious.
A fascinating, and courageous, blog.
I remember things long term. Not so good short-term.
Thanks for mentioning us, Quasi. Good luck on your journey!
If I needed a theme song, I guess it would be that old psychedilc tune, “Journey To The Center of The Mind”? IIRC…
We are in your corner, Quasi!
May I ask how old you are and how old your grandson is? I promise not to swap photos of the grandkids…
There is a movie (true story, I think) about a professor (JoAnne Woodward) who has Alzeimers. It was an excellent television movie. You might check imdb and Netflix.
Hey Zoe,
Thanks for the support! I am 58 and Julian is 8. As for the movie, I just heard about it from alz.org. I’ll be sure to try to catch it.
Thanks aghain
Is he still here?
Been trying to contact him to ask permission for me to ask y’all to write Oprah an e-mail suggesting a show on EOAD (Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease), but he hasn’t responded.
Sorry to bring this out in the open, but I did send the e-mail 4 nights ago…
PS: To Zoe, I** love ** grandkids’ pictures!!!