Yeah, I've got pretty eyes. You really didn't need to tell me

Did she lift a boom box over her head and blast Peter Gabriel?

I get that reaction sometimes when I wear green contacts. Sometimes I’ll admit to wearing contacts, and sometimes not…it’s sort of fun.

But why would your fiancee shoot you a “look”? A look about what?

You being considered responsible for other people’s actions = a little crazy in my book.

Yeah, well maybe he was wigglin those eyes around a bit, know what I’m sayin? People see a nice pair of eyes shakin their thang… I heard that (two snaps up)

May I tempt you with some buckeyes? Or would that just be gross?

I think you should have laid your woman down and made passionate love to her right on the shop floor . . . and then left . . . without buying anything!

That seems reasonable.

Sarcastic hyperbole always is. :smiley:


Aw, come on. If you post things like this, you should expect a little ribbing.

And sweet babydoll really does need to lighten up, too. You can’t control when 25 year old hotties flirt with you, but, I assume, you CAN control your penis. And that is all that should matter.

Ya, I no, rite? Me and my sweet baby doll cotton candy glitter confetti boo-boo honey bunny care bear firecracker sex pistol cougar dirty panda cinnamon girl have this rule: as long as I remember where home is and drag my dick there by the time the street lights are on, it’s all good!

You used to write spam, didn’t you? :smiley:

All the time, bro! Composing protein of dubious veracity is my speciality!!!11
high five!

OP is shy, but I’m sure he won’t mind if I oblige a reasonable request.

Not only deep, dark blue, but anime huge!