Quite a while back, I wrote what I hope wasn’t an overly obnoxious post asking why Americans were so overweight. At the time, I was in about the 15th year of living overseas, and on every trip back to the States I was simply overwhelmed by the Supersized people and Supersized portions. Quite frankly, none of the ‘reasons’ and ‘excuses’ I had heard really made any sense to me.
Well, I am back and am living in the States for the first time in a while (with the LOML - see my earlier thread!). And after spending some time in Minnesota and New York - I am, quite frankly, a bit puzzled.
First, more than ever, people seem absolutely obsessed with fat. Everyone talks about it, everyone complains about it. They talk about going to the gym, they talk about finding a gym. Strangely, not many people talk about actually being at a gym… but anyway. Every lunch hour is spent talking about what they are eating. If its something fattening, they go on about what a low-fat meal they had last night. And so on…
And food - it is damn near impossible to buy normal food. Tried to buy some yogurt yesterday. EVERY brand is low-fat, fat-free, light, lite, whatever. No just plain ol’ ordinary yogurt. Butter, milk, sour cream, bread, cream cheese, bologna, everything. The low-fat/fat-free brands overwhelm to the extent that buying normal food seems to be something to be ashamed of.
Given the US’s massive (pun intended) weight problem, I would normally be inclined to view this in a positive light - hey, Americans are trying to do something about a very big (pun intended) problem.
But it is offset by the fact that a quarter of all aisles in just about any grocery store is taken up with selling cokes, candies, chocolates, and chips.
And sure enough, people shopping are buying low-fat yogurt, and a supersized bag of Doritos with a 2lt bottle of Coke to wash 'em down.
I find this - frustrating. Look, I don’t care how people look. I reserve the right to find people attractive or unattractive from a physical/aesthetic viewpoint, but I try to distinguish that and any judgment on your personal character. I admit, I find it hard sometimes. There are too many people giving overweight people a bad name, I guess. But I admit I find it difficult, and I do honestly try.
But - and I guess this isn’t a very good rant - but I find it frustrating that Americans on the whole can be so obsessed fat, and can still be so fucking stupid about the whole thing.
And don’t even get me started on the whole McD lawsuit thing…