Yes, I am Gay. No, I am Not Interested in Your Straight Ass.

So, as it turns out I’m a great big fag. Well, I’m not really that big at all, but suffice to say I’m about as straight as a plate of spaghetti. Uhh, cooked spaghetti. Because raw spaghetti is quite straight indeed. But not that you’d pick it though–I couldn’t flame, flounce, flirt or be fabulous for the life of me, and I don’t exactly trumpet the fact of my sexuality to everyone I meet.

(Then again, it’s pretty obvious if you take the time to know me. I mean, how many straight men have nice streaked hair, clean clipped fingernails, a coordinated wardrobe, an all-over tan, select their eyewear depending on the occasion, own more than 10 pairs of shoes, go to the gym and cook for themselves? Okay, well probably tens-of-thousands (damn you “Queer for the Straight Guy” for muddying the waters!) but coupled with the fact that I’m always turning up “single” at work-related functions, it certainly narrows the odds that I’m destined for a nice country girl, a white picket-fenced house and a secret fetish to wear a diaper while being relentlessly whipped by a fierce dominatrix named Kinky Cassie. But I still don’t talk about it because, like, who really cares anyway?)

Well as it turns out, some people do care. Chiefly a couple of buddies at my gym who’ve cottoned on to my not-so-straight-after-all status and have decided to weird out on me. I didn’t tell them of course, but a couple of other gay guys at the gym (they’re the type that, uhh, stand out) decided to spread the word that Jervoise is a great big male homerrrsexual. Oh, the horror.

It’s no biggie to me, except that aforementioned buddies have become just a little too precious in the change room and weight room as if I (all of a sudden!) am about to jump out and snag me a tasty snack of poor, helpless, innocent straight man. Talking to some guys now, they’re on the metaphorical tip of their manly toes–like I’m about to suddenly snatch up a man in my Big Gay Arms and spirit him away to my Big Gay Love Nest of Depravity for home-made hors d’oeuvres, spinach quiche and a nice bottle of Perrier.

Well, I’m not. I don’t want a straight guy. I have no interest in the men at my gym. I don’t even like quiche! (And Perrier tastes like pee.) There’s a few key points I’d like my straight male friends to remember–just to make my life a little easier and less awkward: (i) I’m gay, but I don’t want your dick; (ii) I’m gay, but I’m not interested in checking out your ass; and (iii) I’m gay, but I don’t want to throw you to the ground, wrestle you into submission, tear off your clothes, lick you from head to toe, straddle yo… ahem.

To put it another way, I’m gay–and this is a message for all you scared, panicky drama queen, attention-seeking, straight men out there:

• I’m not peeking at your dick in the changerooms. I’m not interested in you or your cock. You’re straight. I don’t go for straight men. See, my eyes are focused above your waist. Notice how my vision never strays below. I have great self-control. I’m looking at you dead in the eye. I have absolutely zero inclination to look at your weenie. I’m sure it’s perfectly lovely, but I’m conditioned not to even notice. Respect that.

I do notice, on the other hand, that now that I’m suddenly The Gay Guy, you are checking me out with a mixture of curiosity and misplaced sense of novelty. Yeah, feel free. I’m still the same guy you knew a few weeks ago. My body parts haven’t morphed into something special now that I’m suddenly gay. I haven’t grown a third testicle, sprouted a Enormous Throbbing Gay Man’s Boner, or gotten a pink triangle tattooed on my arse.

(More’s the shame; I’d love to have a…

pink tattoo.)

I’m exactly the same man. So get over it. Stop freaking out like a nervous 13 year old first time in a bikini. I’m really not interested in starting at your man boobies. They’re nice, but to be honest you don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.

• I’m not interested in hitting on you. You can still chat to me without awkward pauses or nervous sideways glances. You can still tell me about your weekend. You don’t have to mention your “girlfriend” and your busy, loud, virile, STRAIGHT AND MANLY sex life with every fucking breath. Fear not, I will not assail your tender ears with my tales of my wicked and debauched life(style). (Although I’d love to–the Pride Party was last weekend was there’s plenty of nasty details I’d love to get into!) I’ll continue to talk about sport, complain about working long hours, chat about my weekend plans (censored for straight sensibilities of course) and discuss my cardio routine.

You just do the same, mmm-kay?

Besides, why presume that I’d even be interested in you? Why fucking worry that every damn gay guy wants your straight ass? Some of us gay men (most of us?) have absolutely zero interest in converting straights to our team. Why not? Well first we’d have to practically drag you into bed. Once there, we’d have to take the lead in everything–while you, on the other hand, would probably lie there like a stunned, shy ingénue too petrified and frigid to move on another guy. Bor-ring! Then, in the morning (or immediately after), you’d freak out and either (i) pretend nothing happened; or (ii) blame me for assailing your delicate straight sensibilities by tricking you into bed.

Blah, spare me the effort.

Long story short: me gay; you straight; and therefore, you not my type!

• Please stop flattering yourself. You’re a lovely guy – you really are! – but baby, you’re NOT the be-all and end-all of masculine sex appeal. You’re good looking, but you’re not all that. Contrary to what you may believe, I can resist your manly appeal: you’re NOT the scent of blood to a pack of ravening gay sharks; you’re NOT the last pair of dirty schoolgirl panties in a Japanese vending machine; you’re NOT the melted chocolate at the bottom of Anna Nicole’s handbag; you’re NOT the last drip of cocaine down the back of Courtney Love’s nasal passage.

You’re okay, but to be perfectly honest there’s plenty of other guys out there–available, hot and horny gay guys. Many whom want me. :wink:

Besides you have funny hairy feet, you have an outie belly button, your legs are under-developed compared to your upper body… and your pubes badly need a trim, dude. Like, ewww.

Trust me sunshine, I can do better. Relax!

I do believe eye contact is one of the ways you can see if someone’s interested in you. But more to the point, why are you focusing your eyes on me at all while I’m changing? I mean, looking over during a conversation once in a while is OK, but this staring thing has got to stop.

I thought you were only looking in their eyes? :wink:

oooh, another gay thread.

OK, fair enough.

Um, you wouldn’t happen to have Kinky Cassie’s phone number on you, wouldja?

Neurotik, when your mother asks you a question, do you look her in the eye, or stare shiftlessly at the floor?

Guys are always yammering away in the change rooms. I do too. Eye contact may possibly indicate interest, but when the alternative is side-long glances, talking into one’s locker, looking at the floor, or staring at body parts, I’d say it’s the best option.

Besides, I look everyone in the eye when they talk to me. It’s not the same as staring.

milroyj, darn caught out! OTOH, those features – all these features! – are noticeable outside of the confines of the change room, even to someone not trying to look.

Sorry Rhum Runner, did I accidentally flick some gay on you? I’d offer to wipe it off, but you might read me wrong and freak out… :wink:


…like I’m about to suddenly snatch up a man in my Big Gay Arms and spirit him away to my Big Gay Love Nest of Depravity for home-made hors d’oeuvres, spinach quiche and a nice bottle of Perrier.


Alright, that’s it. I’m converting. Where to I get my toaster and the copy of the Agenda?


If this guy’s pube-grooming, or lack thereof, is noticeable outside of the change room, then you’re right, ewww.

Well, Jervoise, I’m not doing anything tonight, and I like quiche.

me too. i am a gay man trapped in a woman’s body.

i’ve even got a boyfriend all ready for me after the operation (i am the *only[/] woman to ever, um, well, you know…)

*Originally posted by robertliguori *


…like I’m about to suddenly snatch up a man in my Big Gay Arms and spirit him away to my Big Gay Love Nest of Depravity for home-made hors d’oeuvres, spinach quiche and a nice bottle of Perrier.

There’s prizes? 'Cause it’s been so long since I’ve had sex, I figure I might as well be not fucking men as not fucking women…

Sooo… how did you came to know all that? :wink:

“Re: Yes, I am Gay. No, I am Not Interested in Your Straight Ass.”

So, Jervoise, you’re saying that you’re not a Queer and Present Danger? Phew.

  • PW

It was a joke.

Freaking homersexuals have no sense of humor.

Jervoise, I think you’ve found your sig line!

Oh darling, being the resident fag hag at my Los Angeles (WeHo, thank you very much) law office, I think I know of what I speak -

Welcome to being an attractive woman. The male capacity for believing that everyone who could be attracted to him is attracted to him is quite astonishing!

At least perceptive women aren’t going to try consistantly to get you in the sack grin

Hey Jervoise:

Woah. Your mother comes to your gym and hangs out in the changeroom with you?


My ass is getting warmer! :eek: Someone’s peekin’ at it. :dubious: It’s you Jervoise! I know it! :mad: I feel your hungry eyes all over on my polished pink apple. :o Not that I blame you, it’s some prize booty! :cool:

Does NOoooOOOT!

Does NOoooOOOT!

But, ummm, I do have a question. I’m not a guy, I’m a girl. But the reason I would feel uncomfortable having a lesbian looking at me naked, is the same reason I wouldn’t want a strange GUY looking at me naked.

It’s like…modesty, or something.

Anyway, maybe I’m weird, but that’s the way it feels to me. Maybe that particular lesbian isn’t interested in me, but imho, it makes a girl feel oddly vulnerable, along the same lines as being exposed to a strange man.

Of course, I’m guessing that most men probably aren’t shy and modest regarding women seeing them naked, in the same way that a lot of women are, so maybe that doesn’t count.

Just a thought? So maybe it’s NOT so much that they’re like “ooh gay man looking at me naked” as much as “oooh person (however remotely) possibly sexually attracted to me looking at me naked”??