Yes..I'm going to procreate just because you ask me to!

I guess I am not the only woman who gets this but sometimes it feels like I am.My mother keeps asking me when I’m going to start having kids and I’ve told her too many times to count that I’m not READY to have kids. I am only 24 years old for chrissakes! She keeps telling me she needs to have grandkids and I point out all the ‘adopted’ grandkids she has from my stepdad’s other six kids who have kids of their own. I point out that Brandon and I are not financially ready to have kids either but she keeps ON and on and on…even going to the point of going to the thrift store and rummage sales a nd what not and buying baby clothes for me.WTF am I gonna do with little cutesie baby outfits,other than put them in the catbed for the cats to sleep on? Arrggg…this sucks royal ass.:smack:


Give her explicit details of your sex life every time she asks about children. Hopefully she’ll stop asking eventually…

laughing Good answer!

I was fortunate enough to not have to go through this, I_Dig, as we had kids early. Still, I sympathize.


Anyone wanna tell Fenris’s “One Trick Pony and Chowder Society” that they have another member queued up?

For someone who apparently doesn’t want and doesn’t like to talk about procreation, you seem…single-minded.

Hm. Perhaps it’s time to get tough. Is it feasible for you to say something like, “You know Mom, your constant harping on grandchildren makes me really angry, and in fact is putting me off the idea. I don’t want to let you tell me how to run my life, and we’ll have children if and when we decide to. If you keep this up, I will just hang up the phone or leave the room whenever you bring up the topic. Any and all baby-related gifts will be given to Goodwill, where they will do some good. Thank you for respecting me as an adult who can run my own life.”

Obviously this would not work for many families, so YMMV, but my oldest BIL had some luck with it when he was being pressured to get married.

genie thanks her stars that her own mom got tired of baby pressure and never exerted any

My mother was also bugging me and kept asking when my husband (Tranquilis) when we would have kids. I told her when you stop bugging me and probably when we live in the same city, the same house and have sex regularly.

Early in our marriage we were both in the Navy, he stationed in Philadelphia and me stationed in Washington D.C.

Hamadryad beat me to it.
I thought the same thing when I saw this thread.

(And please don’t use the word adopted in quotes. They are either her grandchildren or they are not. They were either adopted or they were not. My adopted son is my parents grandchild. My bio daughter is the grandchild of my step-father-in-law. Neither of my children are the grandchildren of my step-mother-in law. Your mother either accepts these children as grandchildren, or she doesn’t.)

One friend had a great response when her mom nagged her like that:

She only had to say that once.

There ya go.

And since I just heard a report about how post-menapausal women can have babies using donated eggs well into their 50’s, she’s got no excuse.

Tell your mom to shut the fuck up. You know, “Shut the fuck up” may be about the most useful four word phrase in the english langauge. Try to use it more in going about your daily business.

Just tell her you won’t be having children with him because sex with him is so boring. It was sooo much better when he used to use his arms more.

Then refuse to elaborate what you mean by that.

I guarentee your mom will lay awake at night wondering…“What did he do with his arms?”

Tell her you’ll have a kid when you need an innocent to sacrifice to the demon lord asgoroth, and not before, because for now cats are still fine.

Rather than using the baby clothes to line the kitty basket, put the clothes on the kitties and take pictures. Put the pictures on your mantelpiece.

Tell her you’re really not tired of swallowing yet, so maybe next year.

My sister’s solution (she is single, BTW) was to give Mom pictures of her cats to put on the fridge; she was aggravated that Mom’s fridge was filled with pictures of her (Mom’s) friends’ children and grandchildren. “You want pictures of my babies? Well, THESE are my babies; deal with it!”

So Hamma, how YOU doin?

And aaawwwww c’mon, maybe she just doesn’t have anything else to talk about. {shrug}

Eh, just tell her you like it in the ass too much and that’s just not going to produce kids. ::shrug::

Oh and when you tell her… wear lots of hair gel.