Yet another help me ID the show/cartoon thread

I can’t find anyone else who seems to remember this cartoon, and I watched it as a kid so I don’t remember all the details either. But for some reason it’s been bugging me to at least get the name of the show. This would have been some time in the 1960’s.

What little I remember:

The main character was some kind of a researcher/scientist. At least he and his assistant wore white lab coats. One of his names,(can’t remember if it’s first or last) was Clyde. Clyde was tall, had a beaky nose and a bristly mustache that looked like a pushbroom. His assistant was short and I think he wore glasses. Clyde had a high opinion of his own genius.

Little to go on I know.

That would be Clyde Crashcup, a segment of The Alvin and the Chipmunks Show.

Clyde Crashcup? (video)
EDIT: Beaten!

Nine minutes to an answer!

I love you guys! Sniff :stuck_out_tongue: