Yet another person out to get Wildest Bill

Absolutely correct–when it is warranted.

But Bill got busted for running two stop signs, laying down rubber in town, and then ignoring the police cars following him, causing enough concern to require an attempt to run him off the road to stop him.

For all the cops knew, he was drunk, or on meth, or carrying. He was clearly violating the law and the police considered him an immediate threat.

You want polite? When the cops found out he was just a “hot-rodder” (and undoubtedly breathing a sigh of relief that they would get to go home to their families that night because of it) they only cited him for six minor infractions.

That’s as polite as he deserves, by Kdapt. They could have cited him for reckless driving. They didn’t. They instead made an attempt, it seems, to impress upon him that such driving is not acceptable. Obviously this is a lesson he has not taken to heart.

What about the witness who says that he did, in fact, stop at the stop signs? Also, my reading of what happened does not indicate that the police needed to try to run him off the road. Exactly how long were the police following you, Bill?

So, they got him on spinning his tires. If they were in fear for their lives because of that, I really don’t know how it’s Bill’s fault.


Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
[sub]Now, jump up and down and scream, “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck!”. Good. Much better.



Yeah WB, those are the kind of cops that I like too. Namely, the ones that prevent me from being robbed of my fucking life by an irresponsible driver out on the open road!

You want to “get on it”? You want to “live up to your name”? Go trade some fucking paint on a closed track with other professionals and see how long it takes for you to find a wall!

You don’t know me from Adam, and due to your mangling of the English language, I usually do not patronize your threads. Analysing text (otherwise known, in your case, as “fill in the missing key word”) in order to fully ascertain the meaning of your posts rates right up there with a trip to the dentist. Nonetheless, the near constant revisions in your tale of woe over in IMHO, give you all the credibility of Don King and Al Sharpton combined.

I normally eschew jumping in on Pit threads, but the lamewad tenor of your entire story clearly exhibits a strong disregard for the safety of others. Blame the cops, blame the lawyers, blame the damn women’s bathroom designers, blame the staff in the emergency room but never, never, never look inwards for an explanation of the problem.

Learn how to spell, buff up your grammer and then get a God-damned, mother-fucking, son-of-a bitching, cock-sucking, ass-licking, paint-huffing, nut-cuddling, gasoline-drinking, crack-smoking, piece-of-shit life!

You would not have been stopped in such a manner if you had been suspected of only a minor offense. It is pretty obvious that you were a threat to public safety and got treated accordingly.

Stop pissing in our collective ear and telling us that it’s raining!

Per both of Bill’s descriptions, someone tried to run him off the road: either a drunk (per Bill’s insulting term to the “mean” cop) or a policeman trying to get him pulled over. I’m convinced by IzzyR’s arguement/analysis of Billspeak that it was a cop. Cops simply don’t try to run people off the road for no reason. QED: there’s more to the story than Bill’s telling.


Duck Duck Goose is forcing me to swear!

Anything for one of my favorite posters :slight_smile: :
::Jumps up and down, screaming::
Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck FUUUUUCK!!!


BTW: I invoke Gaudere’s Law!


Yeah, Bill. YOu know, it’s people like you who make me fear to go to class on the other side of campus because the crosswalk is located on a main thoroughfare, (Babcock Boulevard for all you Pittsburgh Dopers). I can’t tell you how many assholes there are who drive like maniacs, but hey, they’re just having fun!

It’s gotten to the point I go and beg rides from my professor. I liked the walk on nice days, but no more. It’s not fucking worth it.

You know what? Fuck you and your disreguard for people’s rights to feel safe when taking a fucking walk. You just have to be “wild.” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, you asshole. What if that were your DAUGHTER walking at the campus and some hot rodder hits her?

Fat burners from Mexico, eh? So, were you on these while driving?
Yeah, maybe I’m over the top, but maybe I’m also sick of risking my life just by walking on campus. (For the record, the students drive like assholes as well.) I guess I shoulnd’t let my silly notions of not wanting to get killed destroy your fun, eh Bill?
(And no, my spelling isn’t perfect. I acknowledge.)

The linguists among us will recognize this as a classic instance of “The Gay Porn Problem.”

BTW, do you think there’s a chance we’ll ever see WB on “COPS”? I mean, really- WB is older than me, he’s a father and I’m not, he runs his own business and I don’t, but at least I don’t drive like a teenage redneck…


FTR, although I’m not often in agreement with WB, I do enjoy reading his posts. He does exhibit a sense of humor and he certainly is a refreshing break from the stereotypical PC poster.

Dammit, you beat me to it!

Anyway, I have a few more darts to hurl:

  1. WB, we’ve been begging you for some time to read over your posts before posting them. Do you do so?

  2. WB, in your opinion, which is more morally questionable: Burning rubber, or cunnilingus? In my experience, you seem to enjoy the former, and have some doubts about the morality of the latter.


Nope, not the wrong smiley. Here, let me use it again: :rolleyes:

Sadly, Esprix moved to California before I had a chance to meet him at a Philly Dopefest.

I hope you have to go to driving school again, Bill.

Does anyone else think that “The Mexican Fat Burners” would be a great name for a rock group?

You forgot one - when confronted with good, solid evidence contrary to whatever inane opinion he might hold, he either (a) dodges the information completely; or (b) pulls a “Gosh, darn, shucks, ain’t I just a poor country boy?” routine, thinking either will somehow prove the validity of his point (i.e., all lawyers are scum-suckers, all cops are against him, he has some modicum of intelligence, and so forth).

And, Bill, I’m not sure why you think I have some kind of hold on the rolling eyes smiley - haven’t you noticed many, many people use them in responding to you? What they mean to say, in those cases, is your argument is weak, ludicrous, and wholly ridiculous. Sometimes when people say you’re an idiot, they might actually be right.


OK folks, I hardly ever use profanity, as I save it for when it is REALLY needed. But WILDEST BILL on DRUGS!?! DAMN, FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!

Congrats on the 1000 WB, but please don’t ry to do the next 1000 all in one nite as you “feel a bit funny from them mexican diet pills”. :smiley: Oh, and that funny white line down the middle of the road- it is just paint- really, trust me on this. Finally, despite what Hunter S. says- folks really do not turn into lizards. Fuck. Damn.

WB, on “mexican diet pills”. Take me now, Lord!

On a serious note, Bill, please read & note 1Cor6:19.

LOL. My little sister (17) recently stole my car, drove without a valid license to her friend’s house, let him drive without a valid license, and he proceeded to crash my beloved car into a tree off the side of interstate 24 in Massachusetts. It was wintertime, there was still ice on the ground, and neither are experienced drivers. They’re damn lucky they didn’t kill themselves, or someone else in the midst of their stupidity. When the state police arrived on the scene, of course they asked Sara if she knew how stupid she was, stuff like that. Sara now thinks all state troopers are assholes, because “they were rude”. (However, she didn’t say anything about me, when my mom called me in Florida to tell me what she’d done. I was mad. I screamed. A lot. I still scream occasionally, just for fun. )
I’ve learned form experience that if you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice right back. As far as cops go, I’d bake them cookies if it would get me out of trouble :slight_smile: I’ve been pulled over 9 times, only had one ticket, and that was from a speedtrap in New York. They were lookin to meet their quota.
And if you do something stupid like steal a car and crash it, people are going to laugh at you. It doesn’t make them assholes. It makes you a moron.

hmmph, like we need more hypocritical, lying, self-involved morons on a board dedicated to fighting ignorance for a “refreshing break.” I have no idea what the fuck the stereotypical “PC” poster is, but I’d take someone un-PC (using this in its conservative sense) like Freedom who has a brain to drooling idiots like WB.

FTR, I’m much more entertained by him than you and your smugly repetitive “hey everybody, look at me…I’m Mr. know-it-all about race”…routine. Get some new material please. You bore the fucking shit out of me.

. . . and if the SDMB were designed as a vehicle for your entertainment, we might give a rat’s ass.

By the way, keep the “new material” bit in mind the next time you feel compelled to talk about soccer. :rolleyes:

…and I could give a rat’s ass that you could give a rat’s ass.
And knowing that you already know this, I’m surprised that you actually wasted the time to post it. Must be bored huh?