So, long story short, for one of the few times in my
life I have a girlfriend. And I like her a lot. At the moment, I can say I like her better than anyone else. Of course, we’ve only been going for about a month now, so I’m more than likely hopelessly infatuated. (Which is NOT to say that I’m unhappy about that fact, mind you.)
But here’s the catch. She’s not a US citizen. She is,
in fact, an Australian citizen here on an educational visa. And for various reasons she can’t afford to stay in school here. I’ve talked to several immigration lawyers and they all say her chances of getting any kind of permanant residency are close to nil. So, she’ll be going back to down under in six (five, now) weeks.
So the question of the hour is… Do I follow her?
I see pros and cons to doing so:
Pros: I’ve never really travelled - lived in the same town my whole life. This would be a fun adventure for me, even if it turned out to be temporary (only a year or something). And I get to stay with her. I would also get to quit my crappy job that I don’t like very much.
Cons: I would have to sell my sports car. Might have to sell my commuter car, too, if I can’t import it. It would essentially mean uprooting my whole comfy life here - though truth be told I don’t have a big social circle or tons of friends. Getting through Australian immigration might be a big hassle for me. Getting a job in Australia might not be such an easy thing either - even if I am a decent computer programmer. Last, of course, if it turns out that things don’t work out between us, I’d be stuck in a foreign land. Though admittedly one where I spoke the language, which helps a lot.
There are of course a million other factors. But I’m just throwing this out for anyone who feels like answering. What do you think?