Yipee I got a new job!!!!

I’ve been afraid I wouldn’t be able to get another job after how I screwed up the last 2. I was fired from the first one after testing + for pot. Long story, now ancient history but I do want to say it was while on vacation and never, ever anywhere near the job. I was injured working with a patient and forced to go to the ER… . Went to counseling, the nursing board was unimpressed by the very shakey facts and told me to go back to work so got a new job. I didn’t tell Job #2 about everything that went on in job #1. A person I thought was my friend did that for me in an anonymous phone call. There went Job #2 along with my pride and my self esteem.

So I went to the job interview and told them everything right up front. The interviews went smoothly and I felt good about them. Then, even though it wasn’t required or asked for, I gave them a list of well respected nurses, a director of nursing, an administrative coordinator and my former nurse-manager who all offered to talk about my character, job performance and skills.

Less than 24 hours later, I got the call with a job offer for the shift and position I wanted and I’ll be making 10% more on the hour. I also start off with 176 hours of vacation a year. Of course I said yes.

I am so happy. I was so depressed and afraid I would never be able to get another good job or even worse that I would get a good job but they would make it hard on me for a while with extra monitoring or something. Ahh relief.

:doing the happy happy joy joy dance:


<joins into the dance>

That’s great, Mermaid! Best of luck to you!

Errrrrrr…should be <Joins into dance>

Though Jew smilies are good, too…