Yippie! A Fnord pit post (read as Easy Tokyo is an ass

Easy Tokyo, You my uhh person that happens to clutter up the place I post to, SHUT THE FUCK UP! There happens to be quite a few people that like Silent_Bob’s posts.
So when you start spouting shit about him, you can kiss my ass, and the collective ass of everyone that finds Bob funny.

I do belive, Correct me if I am wrong, but 99% of all regular posters have posted :wally . By regular, I mean All the high post counts, people who have been here forever, and those whose posts are looked forward to by all us not so “high profile” posters.

If you dont belive me, take a look at the 21 Putz Salute, given in memorial of Wally.
So, [Jay] Suck my fucking nutsack you douchebag [\Jay]

I wandered in here to see what the hoo-ha was. I’ve never run across Easy Tokyo before. I thought, Jesus, new guy gettin’ chewed in the Pit already. But I looked up what you’re talking about - here’s the link just to help out others.
I might add there are a couple other grade-A doorknobs contributing to that thread who could use a thrashing.
How the fuck could anybody have anything against Silent-Bob. I’ve never been that vocal in support for him, but that’s the beauty. He’s this enigmatic presence who pops into a thread to offer commentary distilled into a single smilie. And people get pissed at this??
Easy Tokyo, et al can tongue-tickle my sphincter.

I like the tubby bitch .

To hi-jack a condolence thread by slagging off the subject is out of order in the extreme .

I also would like to add that posting such remarks to a thread like this is asking for negative replies which is quite trollish if you ask me . So to all the wankers who felt the need to put their shite into that thread please follow the following instructions .

  1. Find a high pressure air .
  2. Place nozzle inside your anus.
  3. Press the on button and don’t turn it off till you hear a “pop”.


Well it seems Adriatic Ionian Ægean doesn’t like me asking people to stop hi-jacking a condolence thread. See the thread linked above .

Lets see the people I mentioned either said SB was a troll , a sock-puppet or dim witted / stupid . I find that pretty much anti-SB don’t you . All this in a thread about the fact that SB had a death in his family and wasn’t up to posting .

As I said in that thread if they’ve got something to say against SB say it here and not in MPSIMS in that thread. Which also goes for your comments about me .

As to a poll about my views . I couldn’t give a fuck if people like you think I’m wrong . Once again there is a place for saying the things that was said about SB and it’s here . It is called common fucking decency and respect you idiot. Maybe you should remain silent more .

Hey, let’s have some compassion here–Easy Tokyo goes away for long periods of time, and nobody gives a rat’s ass. No wonder the poor guy gets jealous. If we were as irrelevant as he is, we might be pissy too.

To clarify what was said about SB in that thread for you Adriatic Ionian Ægean .

So please explain to me how this is not anti-SB or shut the fuck up .


Oh yeah, I’m sure you checked every one of the threads that both Silent_Bob and silent_rob have ever posted to.

Your statement that Silent_Bob “really never says anything” is proof that you haven’t.

I am disgusted by you. You have the audacity to hijack someone else’s condolence thread with your mindless, irrelevant ramblings. You drag silent_rob, whose only crime was expressing his sympathies in the damn thread, into your rambling.

Do you know silent_rob personally? Do you know what kind of person he is? Can you back up your claims with proof that he’s a sockpuppet? Obviously not, on all counts. So shut up.

I do know silent_rob outside the the board, and you have no idea how wrong you are to say such things about him.

ET, same goes for you. You don’t know silent_rob. Fuck off.

Dear Tokyo,

Enjoy your stay in Coventry, trollbite.

Anyone who would post criticisms into a condolence thread can pound sand up their ass.

Though SB is a real, live poster and not a sockpuppet, one MIGHT think that if he WERE a sock, he’d be mine. Duh.

As far as troll accusations go, if we’re redefining the word to mean, “Great guy who shows he’s paying attention”, then I guess I’ll be glad to refer to SB as a troll from here on out.

Adriatic Ionian Ægean



Easy Tokyo
When these jerks start a thread, why don’t we roast the fuck out of them. At the very least we should “Putz” these submorons out of existence. All in favor?

That’s pretty much my way of thinking Zenster . With the possible exception of ShakeNBake as he may have just been mistaken. He/she was out of order but not as much as the others IMO .


I’d like to raise a point no one else had yet.

This quote from Easy Tokyo:

impugns Wally.

I don’t generally approve of mob justice. I don’t think people should be “run of the Board”; if they’re truly worthy of it, they will be reviled without me encouraging others to mistreat them.

But this motherfucker attacked Wally. Hang 'im high.


“run ofF the Board.” Sorry.

Sorry to disappoint you John, but Wally was human, not a saint.
He was nice a lot, but he was also sometimes a putz, as are we all, and I’d guess often that was when he was saying putz.

To deny his humanity is wrong. It denies he existed, and that would be really wrong. You’re way out of line bringing him into this. The putz cartoon is not Wally.

How to make friends and influence people Blue Green .

btw when Wally used putz is was to putz’s .

What’s so strong about putz anyway I not only think you sound like a putz I think you sound like a stupid motherfucking shitbag :wally

[note: this is fucking long, sorry.]
No, I don’t think so.

ET’s position was that people who call others ‘putz’ are themselve putzes. If we want to be forgiving, we can accept the theory that ‘they didn’t mean all the time’, in the same way that a person might occasionally troll without actually being one.

But I don’t feel like being forgiving to someone who starts shit in a condolences thread. It seems to me that he believes that the use of that insult marks one as a loser.

Besides, calling someone a putz isn’t that bad. It’s a tofu-like insult that takes on the context of the post. Alone, it’s slightly goofy; especially since the smiley is winking in the icon.

ET’s attack on putz-users is a) insulting to Wally and b) insulting to Jewish people, since putz is an old Yiddish insult. This doesn;t mean ET is anti-Wally or an antiSemite. But his ignorance of the word’s history, both IRL and on this Board, seriously decreases my sympathy for him.

I also disagree that Wally was often being a putz when he called someone a putz. He was generally trying to protect us from lame-brained assholes who took the Board, something that should have been fun and enlightning, and made it unpleasant. Wally was, in my memory, very rarely a putz. And when he was he apologized.

I also seriously hope you’ve been lurking a long time and aren’t just talking out of your ass about people you know next to nothing about. Either way, making your second post in the Pit isn’t always safe. I did it (hell, my FIRST post was in the Pit), but it usually doesn’t turn out so well.

And lastly, don’t you fucking DARE tell me about Wally. Wally was a fucking friend of mine. Not in the, we’re all friends here, sense; he was a friend. I know he was human, shithead. The symbol isn’t him. But it’s a symbol in memory of him, the same way the banners were. Saying that everyone who uses it is an asshole DOES impugn Wally.


Zenster said:

Not that it would be any great loss, but it’s hard to hit a small target. With the exception of Adriatic Ionian Ægean, these people–I use that term loosely, you understand–post very infrequently. Easy Tokyo has been around since July 1, and only has 30 posts–three of them in the SILENT-BOB thread. Pink registered July 17, and has 27 posts. ShakeNBake showed up August 15, and has 22 posts. Odd that they’d all come out of the woodwork to piss on Bob, isn’t it?

Not that I want to make any accusations. Now pardon me–I have to take off my shoes and adjust my Easy Tokyos.

And why is that?
(Not the “real, live” part, posting is always done by somebody. The part about “he’d be mine”.)