Yogurt is not delicious

Many commercials for yogurt proclaim that their particular brand is delicious. It is not. With a bit of fruit and sweetener, yogurt is edible, but it is not delicious. People who choose to eat it do so for reasons of nutrition, not tastiness.

A while back there was a commercial running for some off-brand yogurt. In the commercial, a (thin) woman stood in front of a yogurt display in a grocery store, frantically guzzling down a container of yogurt that she had ripped open. See, it was so delicious that she’d lost control right there in the store.

The yogurt’s two big selling points were (1) that a container had only 90 calories, as opposed to other yogurt’s 100, and (2) that it was so delicious you would lose control.

I’m pretty sure that many, if not most, people who consume yogurt are terrified at the thought of losing control when it comes to food – especially people who would choose a particular yogurt in order to save 10 calories. And if a yogurt causes you to lose control and make a fool of yourself in the grocery store, what’s to stop you from eating two containers . . . or ten?

Amazingly, that commercial did not drive the yogurt producer into bankruptcy. The yogurt is still available, and no, women are not guzzling it down inside the store.

I believe that a big reason people are so crazy and angry is that we live in a culture of lies. We are constantly besieged by companies who think we will believe whatever they say, even when it is obviously untrue. For og’s sake, we are afraid to answer our phones if we don’t recognize the caller’s number. Yogurt should be clean, healthy, ethical. It should not be among the products whose producers choose to constantly suck us into a sea of untruth and manipulation.

Fuck you yogurt.

While I’m sure there are people for whom yogurt IS delicious (De gustibus…), I am not one of them. Having tried plain, vanilla, and various fruit-infused yogurts, I know that I hate them all.

I do like some brands of Frozen Yogurt, which convinces me that they did something nefarious to the yogurt, and it probably ended up being Not Good for Me.

Yogurt is one of the most foul smelling stuffs there is, too. Fuck you yogurt-eating-coworker-in-an-enclosed-space jerko!

Yogurt can be good. Especially for people who enjoy acidic/tart flavors.

The problem is, Americans have been trained to only appreciate something that’s high in sugar or salt. And yogurt has been turned into a medium for delivering sugars and artificial flavorings.

I used to enjoy frozen yogurt that actually tasted like plain yogurt, with a good bit of acidity. I can’t find that anymore in stores.

I prefer kefir to yoghurt. And without added sugar. It makes a great breakfast.

And keep that stinky bacon away from me.

Whatevs. I love buttermilk, and I love yogurt. It’s not as good if it’s loaded down with sugar and gelatin and other stabilizers, but it’s okay even then. When it’s fresh and either plain or with just a little bit of sweetener, it’s great stuff.

Au contraire mon frère!
I actually eat certain yogurts indeed for their tastiness. And I am fully aware that the nutritional value of these type is actually horrible. I therefore eat them more as a dessert and don’t even imagine in the slightest that they are anything close to being good for me.
The Noosa brand yogurts are like eating a liquid form of cheesecake. Lots of fats and sugar. Delicious stuff.
The actual “good for you” types of yogurt are nothing anyone would eat and they really don’t sell much. A plain unsweetened low fat yogurt is indeed nothing anyone would pretend is delicious.

I’m reading this just as I finished my delicious breakfast of yogurt and papaya.

I enjoy Greek Yoghurt with honey. :slight_smile:

Colombo frozen Yogurt used to be of this sort. I see that it’s still being sold. Unless they’ve changed their recipe, this might satisfy you.
I have to disagree about Americans only eating salty or sweet things. I appreciate a variety of flavors. But yogurt ain’t one of them.

I agree with the OP as far as Greek yogurt goes. Feh.

However if we’re going to prevent advertisers from claiming their food products are tasty, the entire economy will collapse and millions will starve.

Yogurt makers are far from the worst offenders. What about wine sellers who declare their stuff has overtones of apple, plum, quinoa, marjoram, nutmeg, sawdust and spaniel ear clippings?

Apparently the OP is triggered by certain types of advertising. I would recommend therapy.

I agree with this assertion. I like plain, full-fat Greek yogurt because it’s thick, tart and not sweet. Most yogurts taste like something you would have for dessert. I don’t want that for breakfast or even lunch. Sometimes I like to throw a handful of blueberries and some walnuts in. That provides some additional flavor without being too sweet.

The only way to make yogurt palatable is to load it up with sugar.

Thanks, I’ll pass.

You would be wrong about that. Yogurt is delicious. It needs to be the full fat kind, not lowfat or nonfat. Fruit and sweetener ruins yogurt (bleah!). Get a bucket of Brown Cow Farms with the cream top. Dish yourself out a bowl. Stir some granola into it. Aaah!!

Huh, I detest yogurt, but it would never occur to me to think other people were lying when they say they find it delicious. (These “other people” include my nine-year-old nephew, who would have absolutely zero reason to say he likes a food if he doesn’t.)

I eat a "OUI’ vanilla yogurt nearly every morning. My sugar is always low in the mornings. It’s what I call my first breakfast7

Astro Balkan yogurt is my favourite. Thick and tasty with 6% fat. I have yogurt and homemade granola for second breakfast at work every morning. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years and I still enjoy it. As I pack this and my lunch for work in the morning, I give a spoonful of yogurt to each of the dogs and have one for myself, it’s so good.

I like the flavoured yogurt as well, and sometimes buy the snack size tubes to take as a treat for lunch, or just spoil myself and grab a whole tub. Black cherry fruit on the bottom greek yogurt is a total indulgence.

It’s a nice bonus that yogurt has some health benefits, but I eat it because I like it, not because I think I should because it’s good for me.

Wow. I love yogurt. It’s the only cow milk product I eat. The only downside is that our African Grey loves yogurt also. He recognizes the container and demands his share. Some people find this disgusting, since I let him eat from my spoon and then I finish what he can’t get.

Some people are more sensitive to certain flavors than others.*

To me, yogurt tastes overly sour.

  • So don’t go all “You’ve never had it made right.”, “You’re too picky an eater.”, etc. Just accept that you aren’t them and let it go.