You are receiving this transmission as a dream... movie ID

This is a line from a horror movie I saw a piece of about 15 years ago. It was made in the late 70s/early 80s. I think the director was John Carpenter. The “transmission” was a person in a brown, hooded cloak. It involved some sort of time-travel type theme, and something post-apocalyic, but since I only saw a small bit, I can’t really say what the whole thing was supposed to mean. Can anyone identify this?

That’d be Prince of Darkness, which was indeed a John Carpenter flick. To avoid spoilers, I’ll say no more about ‘what it all meant,’ and let you find out for yourself. This one shouldn’t be too hard to track down in any rental store with a decent sized selection.

(Of course, if you’ve no intention of renting it and watching it just to solve a 15 year old mystery, there’s about 16 dozen reviews of the flick available all over the net. Not to mention* the fact that a single SPOIL- Prince of Darkness for me thread here will get you a scene by scene breakdown/critique of the thing.) :smiley:

[sub]*****Oh, hell, I mentioned it. Gotta stop doing that.[/sub]

Actually, the part I saw was the end, so you can’t spoil it for me. But I will rent it, since this has been bugging me, on and off (mostly off) for a decade and a friggin’ half.

If you like your horror movies a little more suspenseful than gory, then you’ll like the flick. I saw it a little while ago, and it’s still holds up pretty well. Look for the cameo by Alice Cooper, without his trademark makeup.

My two favorite John Carpenter movies are Prince of Darkness and They Live!, which he made back to back in the late 80’s. I was working at a movie theater at the time, and saw them over and over again. The first time I saw Prince of Darkness I was with a girl on what must have been a second or third date. We were both totally creeped out. Afterwards, we were sitting in her driveway in my '72 Bug doing a little high school face sucking when her black cat jumped up on the hood and peered in through the window. She heard the thump of the cat on the hood and opened her eyes to see another pair of seemingly disembodied eyes staring back at her. She screamed and just about bit made me pee my pants.

The sequence in question is just about the scariest part of the whole movie. The lo-res video texture and distorted voice from the future are masterfully done and give the sense that the events in the church have stakes beyond just getting everybody out alive. Is there a DVD of this movie out yet?

Hot Damn! I KNEW that was Alice Cooper!

Alice Cooper was the only reason I went to see the movie!

Spritle, big fan