You Beat Another Person? How Yoooooooooooooooou Doin?

Shaolinrabbit - Take a breath you hysterical yammering idiot, you’re turning blue.

I couldn’t give a shit who you flirt with or who (assuming you can) fuck. I saw a display of inappropriate, icky, gross, and yeah – pathetic behavior in that thread and voiced my opinion. I think it is disgusting that someone can admit to beating the shit out of another person then come in asking for flirts. I find it even more disgusting that a few men took the opportunity to start humping all over it and more or less endorse violence in exchange for wack-off material.

You don’t feel the same? :::shrug::: Doesn’t matter to me none, but ya know I am sorry to work you up into such a lather.


It was kinda entertaining there for a minute.

Notice I didn’t support her hitting him, I said it could be understandable and perhaps acceptable.

OK, what she said was

Ideally we’d need to ask her exactly how much she hit him. It gave me the impression that “beat the hell out of him” was an exagaration; that there would be bruises, but no breakages, no hospital, probably able to go to work tomorrow with a bit of discomfort. How can I define that more exactly?

What impression did you get?

If I’m underestimating, then I apologise, and it did cross a line.

Hitting someone is never acceptable. I can understand WANTING to hit someone. I can understand thinking about. I can understand having to leave the situation and hit a door or wall or something. But, hitting the person is not acceptable…period.

Well, I would go along with that. But isn’t it true that many people disagree? A woman slapping a man, or even hitting a man, has a fair history.

Am I wrong in thinking that this is a common view? Or am I wrong in saying that because it’s so common it’s “acceptable”?

Tim - I am not sure what you want.

It’s pretty simple.

No one is saying that Torie doesn’t deserve support or encouragement in getting counseling for her violence issues. No one ever said that she should be condemned and treated like shit forever and ever for her actions.

What has been said, over and over, is that the request for flirts and the following reactions of a few men, were highly inappropriate and oogy. I see absolutely no difference between her post and one if written by a male.

“I beat the shit out of someone, now come stroke my marvelous virtual penis”.

I don’t know what is worse, that or those who came sniffing for the opportunity to be the stroker.

You see it more often I think in movies and such…the overly dramatic woman slapping some guy who did her wrong…etc.

But, in my opinion…I no more have a right to slap my husband than he does to slap me. It’s the same thing…both actions wrong. Both punishable by an assault charge if the other party presses it.

I am ashamed to say I have slapped a man before and I was completely wrong.

Yes, we both agree that it should be wrong. But the fact that you’ve slapped a guy, I’ve been slapped, it’s staple in fiction (too much; slapping a guy just because you don’t like him isn’t ok even by most people who see it acceptable with some sort of provocation’s books) all suggests that it is fairly common.

If that perception is as common as we think, I think you have to take that into account when condemming. <analogy>I think eating meat is wrong. Most people disagree. I just have to work round that. Every conversation can’t be about that, or I couldn’t live in this world, however much I’d like to change things by doing so.</analogy> Similarly, if everyone sees it as technically wrong but sort of acceptable, you expect it, even if you don’t agree with it.

Man, I feel sorry for my niece, because she’s so gorgeous. She’s only 7 now, but she’s probly just gonna get more beautiful. I hope she doesn’t turn out like Torie, who’s obviously grown used to (to the point of feeling entitled) to being treated differently by stupid horny boys.

I don’t think it’s acceptable to hit anybody; whether it’s your man, your kid, your dog or your cat.

I’ve been in a similar situtation as Torrie is in now; and I can tell you flirting is the LAST thing you need after something like that happens to you. Cheering up, sure. Messages of encouragement and what not are ok. But that whole post left me feeling icky. The OP made it sound like she’s needy, unstable and unsure of who she is, and what she’s capable of. (I don’t know if she is or not, but that’s certainly the impression she gave.)

So, to her I would say, “Get thee to counselling. Get thee a plan of what you’re going to do next. Work on getting yourself stronger. Whatever you’re looking for, you won’t find it by flirting on an internet message board.”

And why should she keep silent and let that ridiculous display go on? This is a public message board. If you ask for sympathy, you can be damn sure that some people are going to point out that perhaps you don’t deserve sympathy and need to straighten up and quit whining.

Let’s look at the facts. They fell out of love. The same guy who did incredibly nice things for her in the past asks her to move out of his apartment. She returns and assaults him. Then she asks for validation from a group of strangers because he, the assualted, has hurt her self esteem. What’s worse is that she subtley shifts the blame to her ex with statements like, “I have a habit of dating these men. I am going to stay in counseling to figure out why.”

Of course someone is going to come along and say that perhaps this crazy bitch doesn’t deserve the validation she is so shamelessly begging for, it was torie herself that was the one most egregiously in the wrong, and that people like harmless aren’t helping the situation by offering to put a boot up the guy’s ask.

I’ve said it before on this board. If you don’t want honest opinions, don’t post on this board. Even in MPSIMS.

I think it is very relevant here to know exactly what she did to him. I agree with Shade, I got the impression that “beating the hell out of him” was an exaggeration. In my mind, I picured a small girl pounding away on the chest of her bigger ex-boyfriend out of frustration and anguish. In my mind, I doubt she caused him any injury whatsoever. If she was really posing a threat, he probably would have left the room or the apartment or defended himself, neither of which he did, according to Torie’s OP.

Then I put myself in her shoes. What would happen if I hit my boyfriend about the chest and arms? Well judging by my ex-boyfriend, it wouldn’t hurt him in the least, he’d probably laugh at me. I grew up with a big brother who used to beat me up all the time. Sure, I tried to fight back, hitting, punching, slapping and scratching, and I never caused him any injury, pain or discomfort at all, despite my best efforts. He actually did laugh in my face. The fact is, I am no match for most men, and hitting a man in the arms and chest repeatedly wouldn’t do anything at all.

My point is, I think we need to know what exactly she did to this guy. It doesn’t sound to me like she caused him any injury. The guy didn’t run away or fight back. Sounds like she was just having a harmless temper-tantrum hissy fit. Now, of course, I wasn’t there, and she hasn’t come back to describe it in more detail, so I don’t know for sure. That is just the impression I got from her OP.

Dude, the guy kicked her out on her ass with no warning. I bet many people might fly off the handle in that circumstance. You can say “it unacceptible” all you want, but when you suffer a trauma like that, or walk in on your husband fucking another woman or something like that, I bet you just might lose it a little too. Not that I think that is right, but feaking out is sometimes a common response to trauma.

I am confused. So…I can hit someone out of frustration or trauma as long as I don’t cause them any injury? If that were the case then why is it considered assault by most law enforcers?

She threw a hissy fit…I’ll go with that…but she was still wrong and what she did was still unacceptable.

You don’t hit people. It’s simple really.

You can put your vibrator away, Diane, it’s not that much of a lather, because I really don’t disagree with what you said personally. If you had opened a Pit thread then, great.

I just felt that the middle of torie’s thread wasn’t the place for it. I thought it was a tad heavy for an MPSIMS reply, and I figured it was counter productive in the middle of a “support” thread.

Some good advice about not getting into a relationship right away, and being more comfortable with herself, and focusing on meeting her own emotional needs would have been great.

Yeah, because I can’t fucking stand honesty. That’s a reflection of my opinion and it wouldn’t belong in MPSIMS. If I called you a pathetic idiot, that might be an honest opinion, but it still doesn’t belong on a thread in MPSIMS. It’s not just a matter of placement and “giving your honest opinion”, it’s about taking a jab at someone when you’re in the safe forums. It’s cowardly and cheap. Diane’s got enough mouth on her to please an entire state, and there’s no reason why she should be too squeamish or too lazy to open a Pit thread on the subject.

I think I see what you’re saying, and I agree that if someone responded just because it gave them the chance to flirt with someone, then that’s icky.

However, when she said:

that made me feel sad for her. And I was glad that some people tried to make her feel better, because regardless of the bad thing she did, I don’t think she deserves to feel “unlovable.” I guess I didn’t think that she was being completely serious when asking people to flirt with her, and I thought some of the responses were just people going along with the joke to try to cheer her up. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing if that was really the motive. But maybe I’m attributing better motives to the posters in that topic than they actually had.

And maybe she just said that “unlovable” bit so saps like me would feel sorry for her and line up to stroke her ego. In which case, I guess she fooled me. Although not really cause I didn’t bother to post in her topic anyway.

That thread floored me, and harmless’ reaction was just slightly more horrific than the glittery hearts of joy saying “TORIE IS FINE”. She’s not fine. She hit another human being, and whether or not he was fifty stories high and ever felt it, she did it with an INTENTION TO HURT HIM, and that is wrong.

I agree with Diane, if the roles were reversed, OR if Torie came in and said “I threw my boyfriend out of the house and he came over the next day and beat the shit out of me” we’d be calling for his nuts on a stake.

Her asking for flirting was sickening. I’d be so wracked with guilt at physically harming another human being I"d feel untouchable. Obviously she’s pretty jazzed up at her Woman Hear Me Roar reaction.

Bingo my friend. “Say it’s ok that I beat up a human being and tell me I’m cute” would have been a more concise OP

You poor stupid fucker. Who in the KEEEEEERIST do you think started this Pit thread?

In case it isn’t obvious to old brainiac, this post was addressed to Shaolinrabbit

oh good, because I was about to throw down, fucka

Gawd, you are so fucking sexy when you threaten violence like that! :wink: