At this point, I’m starting to look forward to a nice, large asteroid heading this way.
Now wait, I haven’t used one in a long time but the last time I did I recall that if you didn’t check it right when you were supposed to it would eventually form a second line anyway. So they all turn positive eventually. Is that not the case?
Well some very good April’s Fools jokes to be made with these.
A few years ago, I had some friends visit me. I have a spare bedroom and bathroom that I almost never use, so I was happy to have the company. The wife of the couple found out she was pregnant while she was here. And left the test on the bathroom counter.
I noticed it when I was cleaning up in advance of my remodel last year. My GC is an old friend of mine, and I was curious if he’d notice. I’m single, and am not a fan of kids.
If he noticed, he never said anything.
No, that’s not really the case. You have a certain window of time (varies by manufacturer) in which the results can be relied upon to be accurate. A truly negative test – as in, the person is not pregnant – will probably never “turn positive” no matter how long you let it sit because it works by detecting the hormone associated with pregnancy. However, a positive test can certainly look like a negative result if you read it too late after collecting for it.
The last time I took a pregnancy test I used three single line/double line tests and then confirmed those positives, two of which were relatively faint and fairly unexpected even though we were trying (a LOT), with a digital pregnant/not pregnant test. The lined tests were completely unreadable within 20-30 minutes (the control line was even faded) and the “PREGNANT” on the digital test disappeared after a while, leaving a blank window.
Oh, I should give my opinion on the OP. 1) I’m pregnant so my first thought was “Hey, I could totally be making money!” 2) “wanna get your boyfriend to finally pop the question?” Ah yes, the beginnings of a totally healthy, functional, lasting relationship…
Crazy bitches.
Yep, that is obviously what it is for. Give a fake positive result and either get him to pony up a few hundred dollars for an abortion (it is a lot cheaper than 18 years of child support) or get him to marry you and then fake a miscarriage. Either way, she wins!
Crazy bitches are indeed out there and that is the market for this product.
It seems kind messy though. I wonder why somebody couldn’t just make one that always turns positive when it is exposed to water. One second…I have to call my patent attorney.
About 15+ years ago my wife was frantic that she might be pregnant with what would have been our 4th and 13 years younger than our youngest. I was rather confident that she was not. She took a PT and I saw that it was negative before she saw the test. I took a red marker and very carefully made it into a plus sign. When she picked up the test and saw that it was positive she was freaking out like crazy. I let her spin for a while.
When I finally revealed what I had done she was so relieved that she didn’t pound me over the head with a rolling pin Flo Capp style like I truly deserved!
I’m sure you can buy fake ones on Ebay; there is no need to touch some other woman’s pee stick.