I was thinking about how people like Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, etc. have many millions of followers on Facebook and whatnot, and thinking of the incredible amount of vetting and proofreading and scrutiny that must go into every tweet, every Facebook status, and every blog post, given that they’ll be read by millions and probably re-tweeted or shared by thousands.
If you had 10 million followers on Facebook, Twitter, or a blog, how would you post? (To not fight the hypothetical, let’s say that you cannot delete your account, and you have to post at least once a week.)
Would you post memes? Political thoughts or opinions? Photos of your personal life (house, vacation, etc.?)
I would think long and carefully about the possible consequences of whatever I share. It could impact me, my fans, the Presidential race - even the very future of the human race.
Then I would post pictures of my dick.
At that point, your social media account turns into more of an advertising channel. You keep people updated with news about whatever thing you’re famous for, buff your public image with tidbits and personal anecdotes, give shout-outs to people you admire, maybe share some funny or interesting memes.
I’m sure people at that level do put a lot of thought into how their social content affects their “brand” (ugh, a gross but necessary term). They might even have a social media strategist. But then again, I can think of at least one very famous politician who appears to put zero thought into what he posts.
Cat pictures and anti-Republican rants, most likely. Based on my Twitter history and hundred of followers.
It wouldn’t matter. Most of the ten million are follwing thousands of posters, and only a few dozen would ever see what I post. I reach more people in this message board.
“Who the hell are all you people, and why are you following me?”
Then I’d delete all the ones who didn’t reply, and answer according to the average of the ones who did.
Huh? When celebrities post something, it often gets hundreds of thousands of “likes.” How do you think people click “like” if they didn’t see the post/meme/status?
Either a) let it go to my head, and go drunk with power and and ego-stroking, becoming convinced that I was appointed by providence to bring my personal enlightenment to the masses, and Change The World, or b) be really, super laid back and innocuous, posting mostly to further my brand’s impression or minor highlights of my day.
I would post nothing of consequence. Sort of like I do now.
Every week, on Monday at noon, I would post “Crimeny, people, get a life!”
A celebrity with a large following would not have the same impact with his posts than some sort of guru of something that had 10,000 followers. The guru would have to be much more discerning about what he posted as a couple of bad posts and he would loose his following.
But I’m not a celebrity. I was asked what I would post. I’m almost there now, just a click away. Every time I open my Facebook account, I see a list or people I “might know”. The list goes on, literally, forever, it is infinite. You never get to the bottom of the page. All I need to do is check the box that says “select all” and hit Enter.