You Have A Lot of Fucking Nerve, Man

OK, here’s the story.

A couple days ago, on May Day, I was handing out nice, non intrusive, non-attacking Socialist pamphlets at my school.

These were really pretty damn gentle, and at the end they gave the web address for a Socialist Youth group I am a member of, and an invitation to learn more about Socialism and maybe join.

Many members of the staff recieved pamphlets, and while not all agreed, everyone was cool with it. I got a pamphlet to most students at my school, and that was cool, although not many people were very interested. Whatever.

Apparently what happened next was this girl took a pamphlet home with her, and her conservative parents found it. She got bitched at (I feel for her, really), but then her fucking father found out my name, and had the fucking nerve to call my house and tell my parents that I was handing out pamphlets that were violent (wtf?) and that I was “attempting to start an anarchist group”. What the fuck is going through your head, you big dumbass southern cock?

Fucking shit. I hate people like this fucker.

Oh well, I’m not in trouble, I did nothing wrong, but I just hate overbearing fuckheads like this man.


Damn the man!

[sub]seriously, though. I feel for you.[/sub]

Don’t worry MarxBoy, just tell him calmly that it’s ok. For in the coming revolution, he will be the first up against the wall.

There are a lot of idiots in the world. Luckily, it sounds like there is just one of them (in this case) dumbassed enough to pursue it to this level.

My Jr. High art teacher once told me about how she no longer showed slides of great art that featured nudes. That’s because she once had a parent complain bitterly after she did so. She said, “The funny thing was, when I had showed the slide, only one kid in the class had snickered and made an immature comment. You know who that kid was? The son of the same guy who later complained.” That story has stuck with me.

Real patriotism (which I am just SURE this guy thinks he practices) is not threatened by different ideas. The joke is on him.


Almost exactly the same thing happened to some friends of mine and I when we were handing out Libertarian pamphlets of the same type (but obviously radically different idealogies.)

Except this “parent” was one of those stereotypical “enlightened” leftists who drink herbal tea, read lots of books they don’t understand, and complain about all the problems in the world without ever lifting an actual finger to try and solve them.

She called us “a bunch of communists.”


Sounds like Mr. Dad is:

  1. paranoid about school shootings and strange groups that kids belong to (which he has every right to be);
  2. Doesn’t know differing political ideologies from a hole in the ground.

Keep up the good fight

MB, as someone who’s been screamed at on the street by a random stranger not for even passing out pamphlets but merely for holding a canvas tote bag with “NDP” written on it, I feel your pain, man.

Well, it’s a free country. You can hand out your pamphlets, and he can be an ass.

I understand how he feels though. People, perhaps even that man, fought and died to protect the freedoms you so blithely and with ignorant naivete seek to change.

Hey MarxBoy, what group do you belong to? Just curious.

Oh yeah… and fuck him if he can’t take a differing viewpoint. The hell is he gonna do, ransack his daughter’s rucksack every day for subversive literature? God forbid she should see the school nurse for contraceptive issues.

…and was rewarded with the ability to make phonecalls from the great hereafter ???

Could you repeat that, Scylla? I don’t think MarxBoy saw the back of your hand well enough the first time.

Y’know, I’ve seen some of your posts recently and I honestly though that being a parent was gonna mellow you out some. I have the feeling your daughter will end up like this other child someday getting yelled at for pamphlets she brings home.

You’d have been OK with it if the father’s complaint had been that you were advocating state ownership and confiscation of private property, though, right? Your only complaint is that the father had no idea what socialism entails?

I only ask because implemenation of so-called socialism elsewhere in the world has not always been free of violence. Self-styled socialists such as Lenin and Stalin were no strangers to violence. While I trust you when you suggest your pamphlets didn’t advocate violence, it’s not an inference that’s completely off the wall.

Obviously, socialists are not anarchists, so that inference is off the wall.

  • Rick

Olentzero: I belong to Youth For International Socialism.

You can see the pamphlets I handed out here:
Scylla: Ouch man. I let off on conservative America at your suggestion, despite my personal beliefs. I don’t see why I am not extended the same respect, well whatever, it’s the pit.

friedo: That woman should be slapped and pissed on.
I swear, I now have to deal with shit from MY parents, who say that I’m acting inappropriately or something.

As a side rant, my parents are becoming increasingly conservative and fundamentalist. Yesterday my Mom said something like: “All of Science is just guesses. They don’t really know that much, Scientific Facts get altered all the time.”

GAAAAAAAHHH!!! Ignorant woman!! Now you have to spew it at other people too??



Which is an odd thought since I didn’t start posting until after I became a father.

It wouldn’t be her I’d yell at. Daddy’s little snookums can do no wrong.

Right before my daughter starts dating though, I do intend to go out and buy a “wifebeater” type sleeveless tshirt. I’ll arrange to sit on the couch cleaning my guns when her date shows up.

A nice attempt at a low-blow, but you miss the mark.

Well said. My apologies. That was unkind and unnecessary of me.


Scylla ignores MY comments.


Were I a lesser Doper, I would be tempted to give good ol’ conservative Scylla his vewwy own pit thwead.


Please disregard previous post.

Also, disregard double signature in previous to previous post.

Doesn’t that piss you off when that happens;)

Damn these happy little conciliatory pit threads!!

I’m 2 for 2 here…

::kicks thread, hurts toe, hops away swearing::