I’ve been getting the following message under the entry box lately when I’m typing a reply to a post.
This isn’t true, or at least I don’t think so. What is it supposed to mean? Who else is getting this?
I’ve been getting the following message under the entry box lately when I’m typing a reply to a post.
This isn’t true, or at least I don’t think so. What is it supposed to mean? Who else is getting this?
You get that message if you use the multi-quote button and then surf over to another thread without replying.
… Huhn. I didn’t even know there was a multiquote option…
Yeah. Click on the little box with the close quotes/plus symbols for each post you want to quote, then go to the “post reply” box – they’ll all show up, in the order you clicked them.
If you then go to a different thread without using those quotes in a post, they’ll follow you around till you either use them or deselect them.
I thought of that but I also thought I had replied to those quotes in that thread. Of course I don’t remember what thread that might have been in and I’m not about to go through everything and check.
I’ll just deselect next time I see it.