Oh well-it’d make a great dartboard!
(Why am I not surprised?)
Best part of that website:
In “Ronald Reagan’s Greatest Laughs” you’ll laugh as the Gipper uses wit:
* to expose big government
* to defeat the Evil Empire
* to take the Democrats to task
* to learn from children
* to make light of his deficiencies and weaknesses
* to take on the liberal press like Sam Donaldson
* to make light of fellow conservatives
* to live a happier, smarter life
* and much, much more.
$15.95 Fifteen dollars and ninety-five cents. If I could just get my hands on the list of people who were willing to pay that for a fucking calender…
Most Esteemed SirPerson:
My late father, Supreme Treasurer for the Republic of Goomi Bayar, has left a situation which may be for you an opportunity for the most very much goodness!..
As much as I do still need a 2009 calendar, I would much more prefer never having to think about her again.
No, no, no… the calendar’s free. The $15.95 is for a subscription to Newsmax, which features articles by such cutting-edge commentators as Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Sign me up.