You know the party's over when . . . .

When the host pukes on the carpet.
When the band runs from the cops and neighbors.
When there is too much underwear on the ceiling fan for it to cool the crowd.
When the screaming landlady starts getting hit on.

When the ice guy is late and the beer was in a hot trunk.
When the fight is over before everyone sits down to watch it.
When the neighbors start loud drunken arguments and your guests pound on the walls, despite your best efforts to stop them from involving you.

When someone gets shanked over a lost pool game
Ever see read and blue flashing lights? that sucks, especially after someone gets shanked
When The beer-runner is too drunk to move, let alone drive for another keg
When the Bartender vomits
When the DJ can’t spin disks anymore
When everyone just stares at the disco lights instead of dances
When the girl you’re hitting on is your best friend’s sister’s friend(and you’re 10 years older)
When someone spills on the pool table

Ehh…there’s so many more


When I show up/post to this thread!

  1. You have NO idea where you are.

  2. Neither does the pig who is wearing your pants.

Or so I hear.


The unmistakable sound of closing handcuffs

Hmmm… Not always.