You may ignore this Test Thread - adding polls after the fact...

Please feel free to ignore this thread; I’m satisfying my curiosity.

Thread Tools offers me the option of “Add a Poll to this Thread” where I am the original poster and the forum allows polling. I didn’t think you could do that, so what I’m trying is - I’m starting this thread, I will return in about an hour (long past the edit window) and I will see if I can establish a poll that long after a thread is started.

For the record, I didn’t think you were supposed to be able to do that. I wanted to do this here rather than zombify an old thread of mine, because there is no point to this other than finding out if I can or cannot add polls to an existing thread.

Here we go…

Well, sonuvagun, I think that worked!!

A side point - the polling feature doesn’t seem to accept 1.5 as number of days before a poll closes. It took the first whole number it saw; it didn’t even round off.