Come one come all, a new mafia game for the SDMB is about to start.
Sign up and play in this thread. There are 19 player slots (don’t believe anything I have said before.) and the sign up period will last 24 hours.
This game is going to be a tiny bit different from the others we have played here. It will be smaller, a bit slower, and much more traditional “real” mafia. No fancy schmancy bells and doodads on this on.
Please read the rules below to get a feel for what this game will be like.
New blood is always welcome, so if you haven’t played before but want to give it a shot, jump on in!
No Cops, no Vig, no SK, no Bombs, no Role Blockers, no Masons, no Recruitment, no Multiple Factions, forget pretty much everything you’ve known as Mafia on these boards and others. This is a flavor driven game, and the mechanics are VERY straightforward and out in the open(for 93% of the game’s rules). The remaining 7% isn’t something to count on, or lose sleep over. It’s just a little something we threw in to keep y’all good and paranoid.
There will be a true Night start. Which means that one of you will wake up dead on Day 1. The management would like to make our apologize in advance for this unfortunate situation.
7 real life days per Day. 2 real life days per Night. Length of Day and Night subject to fluctuation at Mod discretion, but this will most likely be the length for the majority of the game.
Here are the rules:
A real majority is needed to lynch. So there is no confusion as to what we mean, a real majority is defined as one player receiving 51% of the votes. So if there are 10 players alive it will take 6 to lynch not 5.
This next one is important, read it twice. If no Majority is reached by Day’s end, there will be no Lynch. No one gets lynched if no one gets 51% of the votes.
Once a majority is reached there will be a 12 hour cooling off period. We are not going to go insta-lynch in this game; you can change your minds. If at any point in the 12 hours the majority is lost the clock will revert to the normal game clock. Otherwise at the end of 12 hours the player with majority will be lynched.
If at any point a player receives 2/3 of the vote the Day will end immediately. It will be up to you to keep track of where the votes are once the 12 hour cooling off period has started. Though we will do our best to post frequent vote counts.
The Day ends on time, always. Even if the mods aren’t around to announce it. Once the Day is supposed to end assume that it has and treat it like a Night.
No strategy discussion at Night. No posting from the dead aside from a goodbye post with no strategic content.
No communication between Players, or between Players and non-Moderators who have accessed forbidden information unless you are scum. Scum may discuss strategy among themselves, but only at Night (including Night 1) and only on the designated scum boards.
If you want to direct a question to the mods, please PM both of us on these boards. If you must ask a question in the thread please post it in green, bolded, and at least size 3 so we can find it quickly while scanning the thread.
Votes in blue, unvotes in red. You know the drill at this point. You only get one vote each and it is up to you to make sure that we can find the votes and unvotes. Our count is always right, even if it is wrong (though we are willing to correct any mistakes that are pointed out to us.) So make those votes and unvotes clear.
More important in this game then in previous games. NO EDITING. We will have zero tolerance with veteran players on this one. Edit and you are mod killed.
For the spectators:
Off-site boards will be available for those who wish perfect information. Participation in these is encouraged because we’ll be running flavor based contests there as the game progresses and the more people involved the better.
A forbidden thread for SDMB members will be open in this forum. The game has been designed with the SDMB community in mind and many of the things the community seems to enjoy will be part of the game. Non-players are welcome to post there as much as they like. It will also be the hangout for any deceased players who may wish to remain eligible for substitutions.
If this is going to be more or less what you described on the spoiler board for the Blade Runner game, I’m even more in than I was before, and I was pretty in before.
This game is going to have three things that make it different from a normal vanilla vs scum game. We are calling them “The Twist” “The Dossier” and “The Secret” respectively. Here is a bit of useful info about these elements.
The Twist
A major component of this game will be player contributed death scenes. Each time a player dies we will announce the players alignment to the town and they will then have 48 hours to submit a death scene to the Moderators.
Death scenes have to come to the moderators, the deceased may not post them themselves.
If the player is Night Killed we will also PM the dead player a piece of information about their attacker which may or may not help the town. It is up to the deceased to decide if and how they will include this information in their death scene.
Any player choosing to forgo their right to write a death scene will have one written for them. These scenes will be one of the projects the watchers in the off-site forums will be working on. The explicit goal of these non-player designed death scenes will be to make them spectacular, and very unflattering to the victim. The Dossier System
In the opening color post we will provide a single piece of information about each of the individual characters in the game. Each player will also have a list of information about themselves that only they know. This private information may be unique to them (they might be the only Britney Spears fan in the group) or it might overlap with other (there might be 3 or 4 closet New Kids on the Block fans.) It is up to each individual player to chose what to do with the private information.
Each time an Associate is killed at Night, one of the characteristics of their killer will be randomly selected and revealed to their victim. The victim will be allowed to place this information in their death scene if they so choose. The info revealed to the victim may require some logical thinking or research to correlate to a public characteristic. It may be a characteristic of their killer which was NOT previously public. It may be a characteristic that their killer shares with a vanilla associate. But it may also be a unique public trait of the killer.
The Secret**
There is a secret element to this game. And we are not going to tell you about it. That’s why it is a secret.
BUT we will not violate or contradict anything that we have told you is true. So there is absolutely, positively, 100%, without question, no recruitment in this game. Got it? Good.
So I’ve been lurking for a while, but mafia games look fun enough that I think it is worth biting the bullet and actually socializing with people. I have not played mafia before, but have played things with similar mechanics. Plus, I have been reading the current game and a few of the previous ones, so I think have a solid understanding of how it works.