You will identify this song.

I’ve done so much for you, Straight Dope. Now it’s your turn to do something for me. I’ve been listening to African Internet Radio, a radio station based in Maidstone, Kent, that plays African-themed music, but it has a wide brief. But, dammit, the website doesn’t have a track listing. They’ve just played a song that Google doesn’t help me with. I’ve tried, honest. No, it’s not that I tried. There is no try. I did not.

But perhaps you can have a go. It’s mid-paced, quite laid back. It sounds very modern. Lady singer, with a voice that sounds as if she’s singing through a radio. Overall it sounds like a cross between lite soul pop with a slight Yes-style prog component. The chorus has a swingy feel. Basically three big verses with choruses that form part of the verses, lengthy Pink Floyd wobbly “Echoes”-style electric piano solo in the middle.

Lyrics generally hard to make out. Starts off “dawn something city something”. The chorus goes something like “rain falls and the something something / ah-head to the infinite something / when the sun shines / when the sun shines / when the sun (pause) shines”. Could be “where the sun shines”. Overall it sounds as if the lady singer is describing weather patterns during a day in the city. It’s embarrassing writing out half-heard lyrics. Because they’re filled in by my own imagination, and so you’re getting a glimpse into my mind. Unprocessed, raw. Naked. Vulnerable. My naked vulnerable mind. There’s also the risk that this is going to be something rubbish by Avril Lavigne or someone.

Avril Lasagne, that’s what I call her. Hahaha. (checks on internet) Shit, and so do seven million others. Also, lasange has an E on the end. It fucking well does.

The last time I consulted the internet for advice of this nature the answer was “La Serenissima” by Rondo Veneziano. You know, the cartoon with the robot strings quartet playing whilst Venice sank beneath the waves. 1981. This one. That gap was filled. You have the rare opportunity to fill one of my gaps. Fill it, Straight Dope. Fill the hell out of it. My gap.

Is it “Infinite and Tenderlovin’” by Adron?

Ye Gods. It is! How in the name of… how?

It’s this song here, I recommend it. 228 plays. It’s so obscure that the lyrics haven’t been transcribed yet. Adron doesn’t even seem to have a Wikipedia page.

On reflection the piano solo is actually a guitar. How on earth did you identify it?

We don’t reveal our secrets to outsiders.

It’s from her album “Organismo”, available here.