That is IT!! The last straw! The final thin layer of ice, the last little bit of good will shattered, the ULTIMATE PIECE OF RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT SPEWED FORTH FROM YOUR TOUCHED BRAIN!!
End of year is rapidly approaching. All kinds of work to get done to make sure we’re ready for month end/year end. Last minute diagnosis code changes, reports for the bean counters, reports from the facilities, patient charts to ship to storage, tiny little last minute details that make my days at year end go by very fast indeed.
As I am walking from the warehouse to my office, I pass Joan’s cube. Strike that. I almost pass Joan’s cube. When what to my wondering ears do appear? Why, that would be the following sentence, as delivered to a facility that we contract with: “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe some of the coding screw ups of our programmers. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. I have to watch them every second.”
:eek: :eek: :eek:
My jaw drops. She continues: “They’re supposed to be working with me and the other nurses,” (YOU…YOU…YOU ARE A MEDICAL ASSISTANT!! YOU FLUNKED YOUR BLOODY LVN TEST!! DON’T YOU DARE PASS YOURSELF OFF AS A NURSE AGAIN IN A PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY, EVER!!) “but I never hear from 'em, they say we’re up to date, but who knows, know what I mean?”
Someone!! Thorazine! Trank gun! Something!!! SHUT THIS BITCH UP!!!
“Joan. Who were you just on with?”
“The south city unit. Why?”
to self: “At least we own that one, they can’t quit on us…” to her: “Because. I don’t think telling one of our facilities that any division of our operations is incompetent is a good idea, do you?”
“Well, they are. Besides, I know this girl, we talk all the time.”
“No. That’s not acceptable. It isn’t professional. It undermines our clients’ confidence in our ability, and that is not a good thing. Do you understand this?”
“So have a cow already. It’s our facility. It’ll be fine. You’re overreacting.”
She walks away. To go get coffee and talk on her cell for a half hour. She’s still in there. I’m writing this in order to calm down so I can be rational when I write up her termination. I won’t fire her 'til Tuesday morning, but by God, SHE IS FIRED!!