Young people do not wear watches anymore.

Come and work in my office, you’d actually have Big Ben looking at you through the window and therefore you wouldn’t need to bother with a watch. :smiley:

I just use my mobile phone, given that it’s in my pocket and not exactly hard to check. Also the few extra seconds it takes to check the time by using my phone discourages me from being obsessive about it

I’m 19, and I’ve worn a watch on my left wrist almost constantly for the last ten years. At this point, my wrist feels weird if it doesn’t have that weight on it, and much of the roughness of the skin and hair on it is worn away by that everpresent pressure. I’ve had a cell phone for a few years, but I only started keeping it on all the time when I went to college; I rarely used it in high school, and I don’t use it that much more now.

I also don’t have a problem with ‘watch tan’, but that’s probably because I rarely go outside.

FWIW, I like it when guys wear nice wristwatches. It’s kinda sexy.

Except, in this case, the cell phone probably does a better job than a traditional watch. It syncs to a central server, so you don’t have to worry about it running fast or slow. Likewise, it picks up local time, so no worries about DST or time zones. The only situation in which a traditional watch is better is one in which cell phones aren’t allowed, such as on a plane.

It’s ok. I make up for the rest of my generation by wearing four.

When I was younger, I never wore a watch partly because I found “hey, do you know what time it is?” a kind of a handy conversation starter with girls.

I started wearing one when I got to about 30, and am now somewhat of a watch whore. Seriously, if I have one serious buying impulse it’s to drop more money than I ought to on a nice watch.
The Kid** is 22, and always wears a watch. I think she has 4-5 now. Of course, she sells fine jewelry, including some high-end watches. Still, she wears one all the time.

THAT’S why my husband won’t wear his anymore! He can’t see the numbers! D’OH!!! :smack:

ETA - This is mine - I got it as a present from my company for my service anniversary. I always wear it - when I forget it I feel really, really uncomfortable. I’ve always worn one.

Last time I took my cellphone underwater it quit working so I pretty much am stuck with continuing to wear my watch.

Watches refuse to work around me. I think that I’ve destroyed 4 watches in the past 8 years(my computer refuses to keep proper time, too). And for the moment, I’m without a cell phone, so now I never know what time it is.

I am not a young person and I do not wear a watch, does this mean I am hip like those young whipperschnappers? I can’t wear a wristwatch because I am too hard on them, if the watch face in on the outside of my arm I bang it into walls and other objects just walking around. If I wear it with the face on the inside of my arm I still manage to bang it on things in other ways. We wash our hands a lot at work at I always got the watch wet, it may not effect a waterproof watch much but the wet band would drive me crazy. I have to take pulses at work but we have a clock with a second hand in every room and a couple stopwatches for people to use as well. When I am out and about I rely on the clock in my car or my cell phone for the time.

The display on my cell phone is broken. I use the clock on my iPod to tell the time. It’s about the same size and weight as old pocket watches, I suppose, and as a bonus, it plays music!

I don’t do well with wristwatches - tend to kill them off for some reason, plus, I don’t like the feeling of anything on my wrist. So, I wore a pocket watch for years.

When my last pocket watch finally gave up the ghost, I couldn’t find one that I liked in my price range. Went without for a year or two. I found that after I upgraded my cell phone I really didn’t need another watch, and have been watch-free since.

I’ll be 40 next week.

I just started wearing one again for the first time in forever it seems (I’m 30 btw) and I love it. I don’t know that I’ll never not have one again, but being left handed it bangs up my guitars pretty bad if I don’t remember to take it off first since it’s on my right hand.

Oh, and that reminds me. Everyone can stop telling me I have my watch on the “wrong hand”. No, I do not you righty jerks. :smiley:

I almost always wear a watch this one, in fact. I go through stages where I won’t wear one but generally I like it.

My phone is usually in my purse and not always easy to find (even in my little purse for some reason) so it’s easier to check the time. Plus clocks aren’t everywhere anymore. I know of one payphone, downtown has very few clocks and it’s hard to see the one on the church tower (and it only rings out at 5… or is it 6?). I never got the hang of telling time without a clock during the years I went without wearing one and am perpetually on role player/stoner time unless I have a clock of some kind near me. Most days it doesn’t matter too much about needing the time right there but I like the feel of a watch.

I’ve found my cell phone doesn’t sync right and is always off on the time, especially when we switch the clocks. It’s off by an hour for half the year. (I’ve tried this with several phones so I’m assuming it’s my carrier somehow… and not all phones are designed to sync up the time).

ETA: I am really weird though, since I wear my watch on my right hand and am right handed. It’s why I prefer a watch with a smaller dial. I do have some with larger dials that were presents but I almost never wear them unless I feel like dressing up an outfit.

See? SEE?!?!

I have about half a dozen watches in various drawers around the house, all work but I haven’t worn one in yonks.

Time is on my phone which is seldom switched off

I’m in the “used to wear a pocketwatch, still do in dressy situations, uses a cellphone now since I have to carry the damn thing on for work anyway, hate the sensation of a heavy thing on my wrist” camp.

I used to wear a watch. Very nice one my dad gave me too. But after a while the band got too tight, and as it was metal it didn’t seem worth getting it resized. Plus the power usage was inefficient and I had to replace the battery every 9 months. I wound up just leaving it off. Took me about a year to get rid of the tan, but I don’t miss it. I rather enjoy not having a constant reminder of the time when I’m out and about. The phone’s there if I really need to know.

(26, if that still counts as young.)

I don’t like to know what time uit is, because I’m ALWAYS late. Hence, no wristwatch, no cellphone. (I won’t even get into the whole microwaves-right-next-to-your-gonads-or-brain thing!)

I can’t wear watches. I have metal allergies, and even if I didn’t, something about my body chemistry pretty much destroys watches. I’ve found I can get about 3 weeks of good service out of a watch before it starts to run incorrectly (fast or slow - depending on the watch). Experimentation demonstrated that it’s the batteries I bork - if I replace the battery, the watch will begin to function correctly again for about three more weeks.

Changing the batteries every three weeks is a pain. Having my watch randomly start telling incorrect time is also a pain. So I gave up wearing watches when I was about 16 and just did without a timepiece until I finally got a cell phone when I was 28.