"Your father is your model for God"

That’s the quote, pretty much, from Fight Club. I enjoyed that film, but that quote stuck with me. I guess because, for me, it’s true.

To me, God is aloof, distant and completely disinterested in me. Exactly like my father.

Does your idea of God share the perceived qualities of your father?

If God were anything like my father, this world would be a lot more like that old RPG “Paranoia”. For me, it’s much easier to be an atheist.

Hmm. Well, I’ve come to realize that when my whole life spirals down the toilet (as it does from time to time), God doesn’t really seem to do much about it. But Dad writes me a check.

And I’m not really as atheisic or materialistic as that makes me sound.

Let’s see: Not in the picture since early childhood–check.
Possibly not existent–check.
Hope he never shows up–check.

A benevolent but distant entity whose presence was felt but who isn’t actually around much, not because he doesn’t love me but because he had a lot of work to do elsewhere. Not much of a communicator, he alternates between criticism and great outpourings of love, sometimes his responses are not really appropriate to the situation, but underneath it all he means well and is doing the best he can, considering his limitations and my distance from him.

God and Dad. Check.

Dead since 1988: Hmmmmmm…

Was a big Buddy Holly fan. Used to drive a red Ford. Was fond of sausages. Smoked like a chimney. Loved old movies and frequently mistook self for Humphrey Bogart.
I’m not sure this is working for me, perhaps I’m doing something wrong… :confused:

God as a bitter alcoholic with a nasty sense of humor?

Yeah, I can definitely see that.

Let’s see…

Dad: Antisocial, megalomaniac, violent, alcoholic, untrustworthy, deceitful, unable to form meaningful relationships with anyone, perpetually angry…and now dead.

God: probably a good thing I’m an atheist.

Hm. I really have to say “no.” I mean, I picture God has having some of my dad’s good qualities–you know, being smart, having the righteous anger going on when it’s necessary–but, pretty much, that’s it. I see God as being compassionate, caring, and intimately involved in everyone’s lives to some extent. I don’t think that God gets petty and passive-aggressive when you decide to look at other religions. I also don’t think he yells nearly as much as my dad. Then again, I’m not exactly Christian, so that might skew things.

Basically, it can summed up like this:

God: “Suffer the little children to come to me.”
Dad: “Stop squirming. Be quiet. Clean your room. Don’t bother me.”

Wow - guess I get to be the first to the thread with a non-dysfunctional dad.

Hmm…Well, my dad loves me, so put that as a check in the same column. My dad gently guides/suggests paths for me to take in life. Dad has a wacky sense of humor, is always glad to hear from me, lets me be myself…

My dad is great - but I think my vision of God is Dad+.


Hey sis, don’t forget resentments he’s got lots of resentments and it’s everybody else’s fault… :wink:
Actually dad’s been in AA for years now (he doesn’t drink anymore) but since there’s no cure for alcoholism the description is kinda accurate.
Let’s see, he’s vengeful, blames others for his own creation, he’s not very funny and thinks he knows it all?

So, the rundown on GOD/DAD is that in the “Old Days” he drank hard and played hard and kicked ass while taking names. He would get even with a SOB for f***ing w/ him or his.
He had a son (many years ago) and was very proud and loved him dearly. In trying to “do right by his family” he wound up forsaking them. He spent too much time away at work. The rest was spent drinking. After awhile things got outta hand. He slowed down on the kicking ass thing, except for at home. In his drunken state he sorta lost control of himself. He let his resentments turn him bitter and sarcastic with a mean streak, especially towards neglect.

Later, when the son got older, HE/dad actually died for awhile (several minutes in ER from alcholism) he spent a few months away from his family (in the hospital recovering) and when he returned, it was with even more anger than before. He had wasted all of this time and no longer had control over what he had created. “His life had become unmanageable.” He had to find a higher power. That’s a hard thing for a guy like this…it still is sometimes.
Anyway the son forgave the father. He loves his dear old dad and they are together again, even in spirit. I think I’ll give him a call.
Sound kinda biblical, wouldn’t ya say? :slight_smile:
Seriously, No my father isn’t a model for my idea of what God is. One is human the other is not. I am also nowhere near being perfect. Jesus Christ I ain’t, although I try to do things as he would in my life. So far I haven’t performed any miracles that I’m aware of, but have experienced a few.


God is a pathological liar who has alienated every child he’s ever (admitted to having) fathered?
Works for me.

God is a well-meaning procrastinator with a great deal of affection, but not many ways to express it…meh. Could be.

I’m not much help because my father also left before birth. When I used to believe in god, I imagined him to be a just like Santa. Friendly bearded omnipotent guy who lived in some unreachable place. Somebody must have screwed up when they were introducing me to Christianity.

God’s not as fat, and He has more hair. Nor does He fall asleep after dinner.

But they have both been very kind to me.


man thats funny I just watched Fight Club last night and that quote sort of stuck with me as well, I have not seen my dad for almost a year and my parents divorced when I was 10. I just saw my dad yesterday and today both times after I saw the movie the other night…what a funny coincidence.

God’s a complete asshole who I’ve finally cut out of my life completely? I could go along with that, I guess, though I’ll stick with athiesm.

I dunno…I actually like my Dad, but I’m an atheist. And my impression of the Judeo-Christian God’s character has usually been…less than appealing. (I’m thinking “Nutbar Tyrant.”)

I used to look to God as a replacement father (since there have been 3 so-called fathers in and out of my life). He was always there - he even went to my school functions.

Dad? Dad who? I don’t even know what one looks like.

Recently (the past 2 years) have been my questioning period about religion. i haven’t decided what I think, but it has no bearing on what I think of God and my father or their likeness,