Your favorite Sean Bean quote?

What is you favorite Sean Bean quote?


One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep, and the Great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust, the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.

And, well, he was very close to being right about it.

By “Sean Bean quotes”, I presume you mean lines written for various movie characters and delivered by the actor, Sean Bean, and not notable things that Sean Bean has said while not playing a character.

If you’re limiting this to the movie Fellowship of the Ring, then we’re simply talking about “Boromir’s lines”. In which case, he had several fairly good lines and a couple of speeches. Not exactly Shakespeare, but a pretty good script, and Bean is a good actor, who brought the character more to life than Tolkien did in the novel.

Does that about cover it? Or is this going to be one of those threads where folks trade scraps of dialogue from a popular source, as if they were golden nuggets of immortal prose, or as if the ability to memorize and recite verbatim movie lines were somehow an impressive accomplishment?

Never mind; carry on. It’s possible I’m in a bad mood this morning.

Here’s one: “I care not.” You’ll remember that when Boromir hands back the Ring after it falls in the snow. Not a remarkable line, except for the subtle way Sean Bean made Boromir’s conflict clear in his voice and face. Really a fine actor.

How about, “Why the hell did my parents name me Sean Bean?!”

. . . I mean Seen Been. Shawn Bawn? Seen Bawn?

It’s Shawn Been.

. . . I know.

Ah, Baldwin, you spoilsport! Heh :wink:

Indeed I only remember LotR lines right now and I particularly liked Boromirs Death scene (although I still think Sean Bean should have played Aragorn. Oh well.): “I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king!”

I am quoting from memory and since I have only seen LotR in the english original once, it may not be 100% accurate.

How about
“Ahh buddy 'ate it when folk call me Mr Bean”

Yorkshire accent helps here, obviously and I BET he’s said it.

Anything he’s ever said. But mostly, I expect people will use movie quotes.

Damn it, Eve! I was just going to say that same thing! It was the only reason I opened the thread!

(Curses Eve, shakes fist at screen.)

FWIW, his parents named him Shaun, but he changed the spelling himself. In fact he was billed as “Shaun Behan” for his stage debut.

The current, unaccented, spelling of his name causes some amusement in Ireland, by the way, as it means “old woman” (and is pronounced “shan ban”). The Irish version of John ought to be spelt Seán.

“They have a cave troll.”

Well, I do remember a LOTR-themed version of the “pants” game. (In which key words in a quote or other sentence are replace with the word “pants,” for hilarious comic effect.) This of course led to one of the winners:

“Gondor has no pants. Gondor NEEDS no pants!”

“For England, James”

Predict the next “Your favourite Mr Bean quote?” thread.

The way he says that is what makes it cool.

Yeah, it was the kind of “Well, what ELSE can happen today?” kind of tone of voice he used.

There’s a scene in one of the Sharpe’s movies in which Hakeswill tries to rape Teresa in a stable, she easily disarms him, Harper walks in and summons Sharpe, and Sharpe proceeds to threaten Hakeswill in a way that I find electrifying. He gets more and more worked up in his hatred for this man, while knowing that he can’t actually do anything to him. I can’t remember the exact speech, but it includes: “For he … is … EVIL, is Obadiah!” Ye-owza!

Love Sean Bean. He’s got that same brooding, smoldering thing that Timothy Dalton has. Maybe it’s a Manchester thing. I wish he’d quit doing violent action movies. He has a subtlety that I think is wasted in some of the stuff he’s done. He ruined Patriot Games for me. When they’ve confirmed that the brother is dead and he’s pinned to the ground, and they pull off his ski mask and he glares at Harrison Ford, I felt sorry for him because he looked like he was in so much pain. And he was playing an IRA member, fer crine out loud!

I have this picture of what’s going through Boromir’s mind:

“Alright, we get driven off the easy path, dumped on by an avalanche on a two-foot wide path, attacked by some thing with more arms than any creature has a right to, I’ve wandered for three days only lit by Gandalf’s damned glowing stick and now that moron Hobbit has unleashed an entire goblin horde on our entrapped heads and they get to have a cave troll?!?!?!?!?!?!”

“The only thing that could possibly make this day any worse is if a gigantic demon made of flame (wings optional) popped right out of that abyss and killed Gandalf!”

Five minutes later:

“Well, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


Faramir: “Good speech. Nice and short.”

Boromir: “Leaves more time for drinking.”

Power can be held in the smallest of pants.

Meddle not in the pants of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to pants.

Uh, sorry, I can’t resist.

Only if you’re speaking Irish incorrectly. Sean meaning “old” causes aspiration of the initial consonant of the following word, so “old woman” would actually be sean bhean (pronounced “shan van”).