I’m just curious. Makes me chuckle on occasion when someone refers to a post “way back on page 3” when I’m still reading their post on my page 1.
So, poll to follow. What setting do you use for your number of posts visible per page?
I’m just curious. Makes me chuckle on occasion when someone refers to a post “way back on page 3” when I’m still reading their post on my page 1.
So, poll to follow. What setting do you use for your number of posts visible per page?
Hm. I didn’t know that was a thing.
Until about 2 minutes ago, it was set to ‘default’. Now it’s 200.
I used to use 200ppp for a long time, but then accessing the site through my mobile (before I started using Opera browser, with its handy quick scroll feature) made me move it down to 100. Now that I’ve been on a 100ppp for a while, I realize that it’s the only proper setting, and anyone with a different setting is doing it wrong.
Anyone who voted in this thread should probably vote here as well. I wonder if they can be merged?
100 works for me. I use a vertical page monitor that’s more or less permanently dedicated to the browser, so I see much longer pages than most.
That poll doesn’t have 50 as an option.
The least I could tolerate would be 50, and it’s not any faster on 50 than it is on 200, so I go with the most I can get.
Forum default (50). Any longer and my scrolling finger would get OOS!
Fifty. I’ve never bothered changing the default.
Default as well; I didn’t even realize it could be changed.
200 here.