Would you believe I discovered this word in a Philosophical work? Well I did.
Would you believe I discovered this word in a Philosophical work? Well I did.
Oh, that’s freaky. The first - no, only - time I ever encountered that word was in Intro to Sociology in college, maybe seven years ago. And the only time I’ve ever had a chance to work the bizarre idea into a conversation was only a few weeks ago, so it’s fresh in my mind. Even on the Dope, I didn’t expect this to come up.
So to speak.
Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like, innit? Sheesh.
Cool, a new word. Let’s see if I can use it in a sentence.
“So, Bob, have you heard of this freaky thing called teledildonics?”
mmmm… rubber fetish.
First thing I thought of when I saw the sentence “Teledildonics are electronic sex toys that can be controlled by a computer” was some freaky modification of this USB toy.
Don’t hold back on us. What’s at the forefront of the philosophy of sex toys?
I can’t wait for this to surface in the courses for retired folks at Vanderbilt – just in time for the Boomers. 2008: The Summer of Teledildonic Love?
For once in my life, I’m ahead of the curve. I came across the term (complete with a flip book) in the very early nineties. Go Me
Based on the bestselling book by L. Rod Chubbard.
Wasn’t the idea and the word (though not the rubber suits) invented in the early seventies by Ted Nelson?
I don’t know how long ago, but I told a lot of people several years back about a woman who set her pager on vibrate, wrapped it in a condom, and wore it internally. Then she went bar-hopping, giving out her pager number to every cute guy she found. Wooo! She had Woo! a very enter Woo! taining evening. Wooo!
All we need now is for some bright young scientist/entrepreneur to create the field of televagonics, and the term “cybersex” will take on a whole new meaning.