Your word for the day: Teledildonics

Would you believe I discovered this word in a Philosophical work? Well I did.


Oh, that’s freaky. The first - no, only - time I ever encountered that word was in Intro to Sociology in college, maybe seven years ago. And the only time I’ve ever had a chance to work the bizarre idea into a conversation was only a few weeks ago, so it’s fresh in my mind. Even on the Dope, I didn’t expect this to come up.

So to speak.

Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like, innit? Sheesh.

Cool, a new word. Let’s see if I can use it in a sentence.

“So, Bob, have you heard of this freaky thing called teledildonics?”

mmmm… rubber fetish.

First thing I thought of when I saw the sentence “Teledildonics are electronic sex toys that can be controlled by a computer” was some freaky modification of this USB toy.

Don’t hold back on us. What’s at the forefront of the philosophy of sex toys?

I can’t wait for this to surface in the courses for retired folks at Vanderbilt – just in time for the Boomers. 2008: The Summer of Teledildonic Love?

For once in my life, I’m ahead of the curve. I came across the term (complete with a flip book) in the very early nineties. Go Me :smiley:

Based on the bestselling book by L. Rod Chubbard.

Wasn’t the idea and the word (though not the rubber suits) invented in the early seventies by Ted Nelson?

I don’t know how long ago, but I told a lot of people several years back about a woman who set her pager on vibrate, wrapped it in a condom, and wore it internally. Then she went bar-hopping, giving out her pager number to every cute guy she found. Wooo! She had Woo! a very enter Woo! taining evening. Wooo! :smiley:

All we need now is for some bright young scientist/entrepreneur to create the field of televagonics, and the term “cybersex” will take on a whole new meaning.

Lo, how technology has evolved.